Daily Nation Newspaper

I am President, not you


IF you are still hallucinat­ing that you are the president of Zambia, wake up, it is the PF in Government and I am the only President in the Republic of Zambia, says Edgar Lungu.

President Lungu said there were some people still dreaming that they were president of Zambia when it was no secret who was Head of State.

He said the Zambian people had a lot of problems that required the attention of Government than to engage with those who were unable to face reality.

He said the time for politics was long gone and that it was time to work.

“We are in Government whether you like it or not. There are people who are still thinking we are in 2016 but we are in 2018.

“Whether you voted for me or not, I am your President. I will provide developmen­t for all of you, but what you must know is that you must work and support PF programmes,” he said.

He was speaking at a rally at Chibombo market where he addressed party members as he received six defectors from the opposition United Party Developmen­t (UPND).

And President Lungu has assured mayors and council chairperso­ns from Central Province of continued Government support as long as they worked with the PF.

Earlier, the Head of State challenged opposition councillor­s to work with Government in delivering developmen­t to the people.

Inspecting constructi­on projects including markets, police stations and road works around Chisamba and Chibombo districts, President Lungu was concerned with the pace at which the projects were moving as most had stalled due to lack of funding from central Government.

He directed all line ministries to ensure all unfinished projects progress and be completed to allow for developmen­t in the country.

AND President Lungu has asked the clergy to stop politickin­g and help unite the country.

At a meeting with several leaders of the Church in Central Province, the Head of State called on the Church as the natural conciliato­r to facilitate national unity by bringing the people together.

He said the Church should provide counsellin­g to those who refused to recognise him as President to accept the facts in order to foster real reconcilia­tion between the PF and the UPND.

And Mumbwa council chairperso­n Gracious Hamalata on behalf of all the Central province local authoritie­s pledged to support President Lungu and his Government in developmen­t.

 ??  ?? President Edgar Lungu
President Edgar Lungu

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