Yuma Sun

Messages hit better with a sense of humor

YPD takes light-hearted approach on social media – and it connects


We love that the Yuma Police Department’s Facebook page has a sense of humor. Police officers in general deal with a variety of dark, sad situations on a daily basis, and we know that takes a toll on people. We don’t like covering some crime stories – and we can’t imagine how hard it must be to be the first responders to those situations.

But every so often, we see signs that a sense of humor at YPD is alive and well.

This post from Facebook last week is the perfect example:

You may have noticed large, newly painted boxes with a large X in the center strategica­lly placed on the streets around the firehouses and YPD. No, they did not mysterious­ly appear. No, it isn’t a new road game. No, it isn’t where buried treasure is located. No, it isn’t marking the spot for Wile E. Coyote to capture the Roadrunner. Here is what they ARE meant for: The new signage is meant to keep the driveways open for emergency vehicles to exit and save time to allow for faster response time. Remember, there is a 30-day educationa­l period currently taking place as of June 12th. However, violators will be cited after the 30-day period is over. We’d like to express our gratitude to the community in advance for helping to keep these designated areas open.

The City of Yuma sent out a press release about the new boxes on the street, and the Yuma Sun wrote a story about it. It’s been on social media, and TV stations reported on it too.

But clearly, there is still some confusion about the roadway markings, and YPD tackled it on social media with some needed humor. Within two days, that post had over 150 comments and had been shared over 350 times. It connected – and ultimately, that’s what matters here.

The message is a simple one: don’t stop in the white boxes on the street by the police and fire stations. And it’s a good one to deliver with a little humor. Sometimes, that’s what it takes to get people’s attention and drive home an important message.

Hopefully, Yumans are listening – when you are driving, pay attention to the road markings!

 ?? FILE PHOTO BY RANDY HOEFT/YUMA SUN ?? IN WHAT HAS BECOME A FREQUENT SIGHT, Yuma Fire Department Engine No. 3 leaves Station No. 3 on a call for service.
FILE PHOTO BY RANDY HOEFT/YUMA SUN IN WHAT HAS BECOME A FREQUENT SIGHT, Yuma Fire Department Engine No. 3 leaves Station No. 3 on a call for service.

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