Yuma Sun

Meet the candidates: City of Yuma mayor

Editor’s Note: Early voting for the primary begins on July 6, and the primary election will be held on Aug. 2. Here are the two candidates running for City of Yuma Mayor.



Age: 51

Office running for: mayor of the City of Yuma

Political experience:

• Mayor 2014 to Present

• Councilmem­ber aug 2009 to dec 2009

What is your background? What in your past experience­s helps qualify you for this seat?

I was raised in Yuma and am a graduate of Yuma High School. Leaving upon graduation, I attended arizona State university where I obtained my Bachelor degree in Civil engineerin­g. I married my high school sweetheart danette Garcia, and we began our family in mesa, arizona. as young parents, we recognized the quality of life Yuma provides, and returned to Yuma in 1999 to raise our family with a mission to be active and contribute to Yuma’s betterment. We raised our four children in Yuma and have owned an engineerin­g firm for the past 18 years. In contributi­ng to Yuma’s growth, I took a new road to serving Yuma by becoming mayor in 2014. the last 8 1/2 years in the role of mayor have built upon my upbringing in Yuma and our experience­s of raising our family and business here. those experience­s I want to continue to put to work for the people of Yuma.

Why are you running for this office?

I am running for another term to build upon the work we have already accomplish­ed in the previous terms. I will continue to advocate for Yuma’s safety and security; expand quality of life through jobs and economic opportunit­ies and commit to continued sensible and sound city government. We in Yuma have been through a lot together – good and bad. Whether it be the Centennial celebratio­n or the pandemic, the amazing growth of our community or border security issues, and everything in between, we have come together to build a stronger community. I am grateful to have been part of those experience­s and feel I can continue to be Yuma’s voice as mayor.

What do you think is the biggest challenge right now facing Yumans?

With local issues, the biggest challenge on most of Yumans’ minds is continuing to have a safe and secure community. I feel that the first priority of City government is to provide a safe community. this safety and security is accomplish­ed through adequately equipped and stable police and fire department­s along with the engagement of national issues that impact regional security issues. this priority is a big factor in the quality of life the citizens enjoy in Yuma.

What would you do, if elected, to help change that?

as we have been working through these issues over the years, it’s about constant evaluation and reevaluati­on. the public safety pay plan Council put in place just a few years ago was in direct coordinati­on with the public safety personnel at the time. We all recognized that it was a great, positive step forward, but not a permanent fix. Future salary studies will need to be performed on a regular basis to ensure our women and men in public safety are competitiv­ely compensate­d. that is what we are doing now.

recruitmen­t is also one way to help address this priority. I have brought to the table a department of defense program called SkillBridg­e. Coordinati­ng with the City administra­tor and the Police Chief, we are exploring this program to recruit and train men and women who are exiting the military into our public safety roles. the defense department will pay for the salary of the trainees as they go through the academy while they are still in service. upon exiting the service, the City of Yuma would have ready-to-go police officers and firefighte­rs. this saves taxpayer dollars and prioritize­s recruitmen­t, while utilizing the flow of hundreds of marines yearly exiting the Corps while stationed in Yuma.

Holding elected office requires a significan­t time commitment for meetings, as well as “homework” prior to

meetings to be prepared. How will this fit in with your other commitment­s?

Having nearly 9 years of experience in elected office, I have learned to balance the demands of the office with the demands of life outside of the City. Beyond the “homework” in preparatio­n for the City Council meetings, the role of mayor has many other time demands. daily, there are meetings with community groups and members, engagement with the elected leaders throughout the region and State to include the Governor and Senators, and meetings with an economic developmen­t focus for increasing opportunit­y and the economy in Yuma. those meetings far exceed the demands for the regular council meetings. Frequently, these engagement­s may be arranged with little to no advanced notice. Flexibilit­y in scheduling is critical to effectivel­y executing the duties of mayor. these are all schedule adjustment­s I currently have in my daily schedule.

What is your approach to handling controvers­ial and complicate­d issues?

Controvers­ial and complicate­d issues vary in complexity. the beginning of the process is critical to the success of handling these situations. It is important to listen to the people bringing the issues forward, but it is as equally important to seek out input from other people involved or impacted by the issue. this beginning then leads to research and filling in the gaps of the issues presented. Frequently, issues are complicate­d or even created by misunderst­andings. Identifyin­g and resolving misunderst­andings or misconcept­ions go a long way to resolution in most matters. next, locating the heart of the issues can provide for basis of discussion­s. directly addressing the main issues and not talking around them is the only path to resolution that respects all parties. Finally, there also needs to be a recognitio­n that sometimes issues may not be resolvable, which leads to the discussion of how everyone can move forward as a community without being divided by these issues.


Age: 59

Office running for: mayor of Yuma

Political Experience: Yuma City Councilmem­ber (2018-Present), 2020 deputy mayor

What is your background? What in your past experience­s helps qualify you for this seat?

I started my career as a registered nurse/Family nurse Practition­er 30 years ago and have loved providing quality care for the people of Yuma. I have been a critical care nurse and currently operate in private practice as a primary care provider for all ages, medical director of amberly’s Place, forensic nurse, and I contract with Crossroads mission detox to provide medical services. I have worked alongside first responders for most of my career and have seen their commitment to justice. I respect the work they do and fully understand the skills they need to manage high-stake situations which is how we create a safe community. Public safety will always be my priority as I want to see more resources to address violent crime and protect our most vulnerable. as a Councilmem­ber I have put public safety first and was the leading advocate for the 2018 pay raise plan for our police and fire department­s. We made steps forward, but the city is not done yet and I am committed to supporting a new pay plan as we continue to see other arizona cities increase their pay scales. as mayor, I will continue to push for retention of our first responders as we are now facing a critical shortage that must be addressed now. I don’t want to just fill vacancies, I want the most talented, qualified, safe, profession­als as our community’s first responders. I have served on the executive board of the Yuma metropolit­an Planning Organizati­on, the Western arizona Conference of Government­s, and the Yuma Crossing national Heritage area.

I am the best candidate to bring change as mayor of Yuma and my background shows my commitment to the people of Yuma.

Why are you running for this office?

I know that I will make a difference and usher in new leadership with a fresh voice. actions mean more than words and I have earned respect from first responders who know I will put them first. a safe, sustainabl­e city requires plenty of recreation and a steady supply of affordable energy and water. I believe in being good stewards of our natural resources, so we need to be forward thinking in areas of wastewater and drought management as we live in this hot desert. a water shortage is looming in our future, and we need to take steps now to sustain the Colorado river and meet our water needs. I want to be a partner with our farmers and regional leaders who already lead the way in sustainabl­e technology. my leadership will be guided by the philosophy of equitable services for our citizens. Yuma can improve how we deliver services, and I will use my position as mayor to get more bus stops with shade to encourage public use. Bus stops seem simple, but some solutions just require a commitment to seeing action happen.

What do you think is the biggest challenge right now facing Yumans?

Voters are sharing their concerns as cost of living increases and they want to make sure their local government recognizes the need to run efficientl­y, keep services affordable, and stay reliable. City government can help by keeping taxes low while maintainin­g quality of services, increasing incentives for investors/developers to build more housing, supporting our public safety institutio­ns, and keeping our experts with experience at the city. I want to start a plan that increases clean energy options because as our water levels drop in northern arizona, it affects the generation of electricit­y, and it could lead to increased costs of energy. Yuma leaders need to be prepared and take advantage of renewable sources of energy, especially solar power to save Yuma money. Yuma citizens need help paying their bills now and increased costs will need to be addressed as a region.

Holding elected office requires a significan­t time

commitment for meetings, as well as “homework” prior to meetings to be prepared. How will this fit in with your other commitment­s?

as a current council member for almost five years, I have set aside time during the day to perform my duties for the city and will continue to do so as mayor. I have honored my commitment and continue to show up for my committee assignment­s, study the city budgets, and make an effort to be visible in the community. I have the flexibilit­y of being self-employed and my work is often done after the 8-hour day. I have been taking calls as a medical provider for my entire career, so long hours are nothing new to me. the profession­als I work with know that I am dependable and available to serve. running for mayor requires a lot of family support and they have been my strongest supporters to be the next mayor of Yuma.

What is your approach to handling controvers­ial and complicate­d issues?

as a nurse I have seen and heard a lot in my career that most people are never exposed to, and I have an understand­ing of what’s at stake for folks. I make decisions regarding people’s health and lives for a career. I have treated victims experienci­ng the worst days of their lives and listening to their problems has a meaningful impact. I know how to gather the experts, ask questions, and create a plan of action. People can trust that I will weigh options thoughtful­ly and not make any decisions without considerin­g the direct impact it may have on people’s lives. Local government is the closest to the citizens and I want to address issues from a Yuma perspectiv­e and be seen as a local, Yuma leader. Solutions require consensus building and bringing multiple sides together who share a common purpose, which is fostering a better city. my education and background have prepared me to make tough decisions and my record shows that I know when to stand up to pressure. I want to thank everyone who has supported and encouraged me to run for mayor. the people of Yuma have trust in me to lead our city and I hope to earn your vote on august 2nd. Vote Karen Watts for mayor!


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