Yuma Sun

Traditions are fun, no matter how old we are

Holidays are about family, faith and love – and age is irrelevant

- Roxanne Molenar

In the weeks leading up to Easter, I saw several online surveys asking, “What age is too old for an Easter basket?” People appeared to be genuinely concerned about the age at which a child should stop getting an Easter basket.

Some people said the baskets should stop around when the child stops believing in the Easter bunny. Others felt the tradition should carry on as long as the child was a willing participan­t.

As the parent of a teen, I found the conversati­ons to be fascinatin­g. It never occurred to me that my teen would outgrow an Easter basket.

Sure, the treats inside might change a bit. After all, how many stuffed bunnies does one person need? But the concept of waking up in the morning to a couple of little surprises never gets old!

Looking back at my own childhood, I was the happy recipient of Easter baskets right up until I left for college. And if I had gone home for Easter in college, I likely would have still received them. As was the tradition in our house, I don’t think I ever received a chocolate bunny with its head from my parents, as my dad had already

eaten it before we got up.

When we went to my grandparen­ts’ house every Easter, there were always baskets for the grandkids. And the Easter bunny thoughtful­ly always left chocolate bunnies for our parents, too.

Ultimately, holidays are about traditions. Whether or not a child still believes in Santa or the Easter Bunny, we are never too old to believe in the magic of a holiday, or in its traditions that are born out of love, faith and family.

Sometimes, we let traditions go, or we change them up a bit as our families grow up. I don’t plan on setting up an Easter egg hunt at my house this year, but I do think we might make some hardboiled eggs today and decorate them.

And the Easter bunny will still be making a stop at the Molenar house today. Our daughter’s chocolate bunny has grown into a dark chocolate bunny, and the treats are a little different, but it will still be fun. There might even be a bonus bag of jelly beans for my husband, too – after all, adults should have a little Easter treat too.

Some traditions are worth keeping, regardless of our ages!

To all of our readers today, Happy Easter!

Unsigned editorials represent the viewpoint of this newspaper rather than an individual. Columns and letters to the editor represent the viewpoints of the persons writing them and do not necessaril­y represent the views of the Yuma Sun.

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