Yuma Sun

For human smugglers, income opportunit­ies abound

- BY JOE GUZZARDI GUEST COLUMNIST Copyright 2021 Joe Guzzardi, distribute­d by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Joe Guzzardi is a Progressiv­es for immigratio­n reform analyst who has written about immigratio­n for more than 30 years. Contact him at jguzzard

Down on the Southwest border, business is booming – criminal business, that is. The federal government steadfastl­y refuses to protect the border or the interior. Since Day 1, the Biden administra­tion has announced to the world that protection­s that President Trump put into place would be canceled, and that both Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t and the Department of Homeland Security would be neutered.

Those ill-advised White House decisions have enabled drug and human trafficker­s to make small fortunes transporti­ng their cargo to the United States, where taxpayers will foot the bill for housing, education and eventually a host of other affirmativ­e benefits. Not a peep from Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris or the president’s cabinet about the unfairness or the devastatin­g long-term effects their indifferen­ce will have on the nation.

But for enterprisi­ng criminals, the income potential from Biden’s willful neglect is virtually unlimited.

When border patrol agents finally apprehende­d Victoria Perez, she told them she earned $200,000 over a ten-month period smuggling aliens through the El Paso checkpoint. Perez’s fee was $1,500 per individual if the checkpoint was closed; $600 if open. Her work was easy. By driving only two days a week, Perez raked in, calculated Washington Times reporter Stephen Dinan, more than sitting members of Congress, $174,000 annually, and about three-times a border agent’s $70,000 starting salary. Perez was apprehende­d at a Texas checkpoint with 12 passengers, or at $1,500 a head, a load worth $18,000. Although Perez pled guilty, she was arrested again for traffickin­g during the six-month period before she was ordered to jail.

Income opportunit­ies abound for other players in human traffickin­g’s criminal endeavor. Stash house operators, deliveryme­n who bring food and other supplies to the stash house, and extortioni­sts who beat migrants to force their families to shell out more on top of the already exorbitant fees paid up front. In all, migrants pay billions of dollars each year to be dangerousl­y and illegally smuggled into the U.S., a dicey gamble that sometimes ends in apprehensi­on or even death. Migrant deaths at the border have nearly tripled since the same time last year, from 45 to 128.

Experts predict that fees will rise as long as the Biden administra­tion continues to encourage illegal crossing. Harris’ much-touted trip to Mexico and Guatemala to uncover migration’s root causes was laughed off by those government­s as a waste of their time, a conclusion that the White House agreed with.

Facebook, the world’s largest social media company and prominent anti-First Amendment power broker, is aiding and abetting the smugglers. Thanks to soaring advertisin­g revenues, Facebook posted its strongest first quarter earnings, a revenue of $26.1 billion, 48 percent more than the $17.7 billion it garnered in last year’s first quarter, and nearly $3 billion more than

Wall Street analysts anticipate­d.

Net income also smashed analysts’ expectatio­ns, hitting $9.5 billion, double 2020’s $4.9 billion.

Facebook’s willingnes­s to accept drug money from Mexican cartels contribute­d to the company’s advertisin­g revenue and its staggering quarterly income surge.

Florida Rep. Kat Cammack sent a letter to Facebook after she uncovered ads for human smugglers and cartels on the platform. Cammack said migrant border crossing treks are organized via Facebook communicat­ions. Upon arriving in the Donna, Texas, processing facility, Cammack asked young migrants how they came to the U.S. All responded that they coordinate­d logistics through Facebook, paid through Facebook and exchanged ideas on the Facebook-owned WhatsApp. A link titled “Viaje a Estados Unidos” took Cammack to a page with directions, routes and prices: $6,000 to enter the United States, $9,300 for drop-off in San Antonio.

According to U.S. law, encouragin­g or inducing an alien to come to, enter or reside in the U.S., or aiding and abetting any of these activities, is subject to financial penalties and imprisonme­nt for periods of five years or longer. The likelihood of the Biden administra­tion criminally punishing Facebook is a statistica­l impossibil­ity – less than zero. Facebook played a prominent role in assuring that Biden would be elected, and the president isn’t likely to punish his friend regardless of the helping hand it provides in the illegal border surge.

During Biden’s presidency, immigratio­n crime perpetrato­rs go unpunished, but Americans must unfairly endure migrant waves flowing into their local communitie­s, and then subsidize the everyday lives of these people for the indefinite future. Nothing could be more unjust.

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