Yuma Sun

Don’t forget the greatest tweeter of all time


This may be hard to believe in this age of mass communicat­ion, but I have never “tweeted,” or ever looked for one. I actually would not even know where to start to find one. I may not be the smartest guy on the street, but I’m not the dumbest. I was born at night, but not last night.

I may be wrong, but as far as I see it, whoever the powers to be are, in the tweeter world, it appears they’re stepping on the First Amendment, free speech. I always thought you can say whatever you want (sorta). Yelling fire when there is no fire, is not a good idea. Someone needs to explain how the tweeter, can tell the tweetery what they can say, and what they can’t. What I see, is America heading down a lost highway. The road to nothing, nowhere.

You know why? Because sadly we have left behind the greatest tweeter of all time. The master of tweet. His tweets have been in our lives since before you and I were born. The King of tweet.

Ever heard the saying, “What would Jesus do?” Remember Jesus? Remember his Dad?

Anyone remember his name? How about what everyone calls him? Sadly, it has been since 1980 that anyone has seen any sign of the greatest tweets ever written. For those of you who have never seen these, or for those of you who have forgotten, here’s a reminder.

1, You shall have no other gods before me. 2,You shall make no idols. 3,You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 4,Keep the Sabbath day holy. 5,Honor your father and mother. 6,You shall not murder. 7,You shall not commit adultery. 8,You shall not steal. 9,You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10,You shall not covert.

These are the tweets that matter the most in our everyday lives. I rest my case. Amen? FRED RICHARD Wellton

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