Yuma Sun

Poll: Low marks for Trump, except on economy


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump continues to receive poor marks from a majority of Americans on his overall job performanc­e, even as he enjoys relatively good assessment­s of his handling of the economy.

A new poll released Friday by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump’s work as president, compared with 38 percent who approve.

Trump’s approval rating has been largely stable over the course of his presidency.

Ratings of Trump among all Americans are equally dim on a host of issues, including immigratio­n and health care, even as the president continues to receive high marks from his base of Republican supporters.

Here’s a look at how the president fares in the new survey:


Trump receives his best marks from the public on the economy: 51 percent say they approve of his handling of the economy, more than the share who approve of his performanc­e on any other issue.

Nearly 9 in 10 Republican­s approve of the president on economic policy. And while Democrats are far more likely to express disapprova­l, 23 percent do approve of the president on the issue. That’s a far greater share than the 7 percent of Democrats who approve of the job he’s doing overall.


About a third of Americans say they approve of the president’s handling of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Two-thirds of Republican­s approve of Trump on the issue, but that’s among the lowest shares of positive views among Republican­s of the 10 issues included in the survey.

The poll was conducted before a jury on Tuesday found Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, guilty on eight counts of financial crimes and before his former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to charges that included campaign finance violations he said he carried out in coordinati­on with Trump.


Trump continues to receive low approval ratings on both immigratio­n and health care, two issues that Americans tend to name as important to them in the coming midterm elections.

Overall, 38 percent of Americans approve of Trump on immigratio­n, while 36 percent approve of his work on health care.

Democrats are particular­ly negative toward the president on these issues — just 8 percent say they approve of him on each.

About three-quarters of Republican­s approve of Trump on immigratio­n, and a somewhat smaller majority — 7 in 10 — approve of how he’s handling health care.


While Trump’s approval rating on foreign policy remains low at 36 percent, Americans are more positive toward the president on his handling of North Korea.

Nearly half of Americans — 47 percent — approve of Trump when it comes to North Korea, while 52 percent disapprove. The share who approve of the president on North Korea spiked to 55 percent following his June summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Republican­s continue to express support of the president on his handling of North Korea, with 82 percent saying they approve.

About 2 in 10 Democrats approve of his handling of North Korea as well — among the highest Democratic ratings of the issues asked — as do half of independen­ts.


Conservati­ve Republican­s are staunchly supportive of the president overall, with 86 percent saying they approve of the president’s job performanc­e. This uniform approval carries over to most issues, including the economy (95 percent), taxes (90 percent), trade (87 percent) and North Korea (89 percent).

But when it comes to the budget deficit, conservati­ve Republican­s are somewhat less approving — 75 percent say they approve of Trump’s handling of the issue.

Conservati­ve Republican­s also are somewhat less likely to approve of the president on the Russia investigat­ion (76 percent) and health care policy (77 percent).


Most Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction: 62 percent say the nation is on the wrong track, compared with 38 percent who say the nation is headed the right way.

The AP-NORC Poll of 1,055 adults was conducted Aug. 16-20 using a sample drawn from NORC’s probabilit­y-based AmeriSpeak panel, which is designed to be representa­tive of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondent­s is plus or minus 4.2 percentage points.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP SPEAKS DURING A ROUNDTABLE on the “Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernizat­ion Act” in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Thursday in Washington. From left, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R- Texas, Trump, and Sen. Mike Crapo, R- Idaho.
ASSOCIATED PRESS PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP SPEAKS DURING A ROUNDTABLE on the “Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernizat­ion Act” in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Thursday in Washington. From left, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R- Texas, Trump, and Sen. Mike Crapo, R- Idaho.

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