Yuma Sun

Time to count to 10 and slow down


For the life of me I cannot understand where all the hatred is coming from. The mindless animosity rhetoric coming out of Hollywood is mind-boggling and getting out of hand. There’s bitter antagonism toward each other coming from both political parties in Washington.

There’s hatred in our cities, on our streets, in our universiti­es and more importantl­y in our homes. When one thinks they’re right, then proven wrong, they can make life miserable for everyone. Anger is dangerous. Anger turns into resentment. Resentment turns into hate.

Hate eats at our morale, and spiritual core. Bob Dylan sang: “I met a man wounded in love, I met another man wounded in hatred.” I’ve learned that prayer can get rid of resentment­s and hate. What can be wrong with praying for those who have wronged us? Praying stops our hearts from filling with hate. In case we’ve forgotten, when Jesus was on the cross, we were on his mind.

Sometimes we just want to scream!! Thomas Jefferson said “When angry, count to ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred.” Speak when you’re angry and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret. Time is nature’s way of keeping everything from happening at once. We want the painful times to go faster. We want the fun times to go slower. Time goes at its own pace. Any faster and we wouldn’t learn anything, any slower and we would lose interest. Let time go at its own pace. We call this patience. In 1992 during the Los Angeles riots Rodney King asks, “can’t we just all get along?” 26-27-28-29. Cool down...


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