Yuma Sun

AG Sessions fires former FBI Deputy Director McCabe


WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Friday night that he was firing former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a longtime and frequent target of President Donald Trump’s anger, just two days before his scheduled retirement date.

The move, which had been expected, was made on the recommenda­tion of FBI disciplina­ry officials and comes ahead of an inspector general report expected to conclude that McCabe was not forthcomin­g with the watchdog office as it reviewed the bureau’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigat­ion.

Sessions said in a statement that investigat­ors “concluded that Mr. McCabe had made an unauthoriz­ed disclosure to the news media and lacked candor — including under oath — on multiple occasions.”

McCabe immediatel­y disputed the findings in his own statement, saying the firing was part of a Trump administra­tion “war” on the FBI.

“I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey,” McCabe said, referring to the former FBI director who was fired by Trump last May.

Though McCabe had spent more than 20 years as a career FBI official, and had played key roles in some of the bureau’s most recent significan­t investigat­ions, Trump repeatedly condemned him over the last year as emblematic of an FBI leadership he contends is biased against his administra­tion. The White House had said the firing decision was up to the Justice Department but seemed to signal this week that it would welcome the move.

The terminatio­n is symbolic to an extent since McCabe had been on leave from the FBI since last January, when he abruptly left the deputy director position. But it comes just ahead of his planned retirement, on Sunday, and puts his ability to receive pension benefits into jeopardy.

McCabe came under scrutiny from the Justice Department’s inspector general’s office over an October 2016 news report that revealed differing approaches within the FBI and Justice Department over how aggressive­ly the Clinton Foundation should be investigat­ed. The watchdog office had concluded that McCabe had authorized FBI officials to speak to a Wall Street Journal reporter for that story and that he had not been forthcomin­g with investigat­ors about that — something McCabe denies, according to one person familiar with the matter.

Officials at the FBI’s Office of Profession­al Responsibi­lity had recommende­d the firing, leaving Justice Department leaders in a difficult situation. Sessions, whose job status has for months appeared shaky under blistering criticism from Trump, risked inflaming the White House if McCabe were to not be fired. But a decision to dismiss McCabe two days before his firing carried the risk of angering his rank-and-file supporters at the FBI.

McCabe, a lawyer by training, enjoyed a rapid career ascent in the bureau after joining in 1996. He was the FBI’s top counterter­rorism official during the Boston Marathon bombing and later the FBI’s national security branch and its Washington field office, one of the bureau’s largest, before being named to the deputy director position.

But he became entangled in presidenti­al politics in 2016 when it was revealed that his wife during an unsuccessf­ul bid for the Virginia state Senate had received campaign contributi­ons from the political action committee of thenVirgin­ia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a close Clinton ally. The FBI has said McCabe received the necessary ethics approval about his wife’s candidacy and was not supervisin­g the Clinton investigat­ion at the time the contributi­ons were made.

He became acting director following the firing last May of Comey, and immediatel­y assumed direct oversight of the FBI’s investigat­ion into possible coordinati­on between Russia and the Trump campaign. As a congressio­nal hearing two days after Comey’s dismissal, McCabe contradict­ed White House assertions that the Trump campaign investigat­ion was one of the “smallest things” on the FBI’s plate and also strongly disputed the administra­tion’s suggestion that Comey had lost the respect of the bureau’s workforce.

“I can tell you that the majority, the vast majority of FBI employees, enjoyed a deep and positive connection to Director Comey,” McCabe said.

McCabe was among the officials interviewe­d to replace Comey as director. That position ultimately went to Christophe­r Wray.

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 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? IN THIS JUNE 7, 2017, FILE PHOTO, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe appears before a Senate Intelligen­ce Committee hearing about the Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Act on Capitol Hill in Washington.
ASSOCIATED PRESS IN THIS JUNE 7, 2017, FILE PHOTO, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe appears before a Senate Intelligen­ce Committee hearing about the Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Act on Capitol Hill in Washington.

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