Yuma Sun



(March 21-April 19) Your fiery side emerges, which might cause you to be more outgoing than usual. Somehow you could trigger much more confusion than you or anyone else had thought possible. Tap into your creativity. Your sixth sense points you in the correct direction. Tonight: All smiles.

(April 20-May 20) You might want to offer your support to others. Listen to your sixth sense as you attempt to clear out a problem, especially if it involves your finances. Confusion surrounds you and a loved one. Ask more questions, and you’ll gain clarity. Tonight: Choose a favorite pastime.

(May 21-June 20) One-on-one relating opens new doors. Understand what is happening around you, and refuse to be cornered by someone who thinks that he or she is in charge. Your smile goes a long way in loosening up the moment. Tonight: Someone close to you inspires you, and vice versa.

(June 21-July 22) You could be more in touch with your feelings than you have been in the recent past. Don’t push so hard to finish a creative project. Go with the flow, and you will feel much better. Examine your long-term goals. Ask for feedback, if necessary. Tonight: As you like it.

(July 23-Aug. 22) You could be put off by someone you really care about. Don’t worry so much about what needs to happen next. This person often triggers more activity than you are comfortabl­e with. Try pulling back some, and be more of an observer. Tonight: Homeward bound.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You could feel overloaded as others reach out to you. It appears as if everyone has a different idea about what works best in his or her life. Allow your loved ones to discuss what is on their minds. Your smile goes a long way in helping others relax. Tonight: Speak your mind.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Be aware of how direct you need to be with a friend. Pressure could build to an unpreceden­ted level. Understand what is happening within this friendship. Discuss your limits openly, especially when it comes to your finances. Tonight: Say “yes” to an invitation.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You could be exhausted by everything that is going on around you. Stay centered, and remain in command of your ship. The drain you feel from others will seem a lot less intense if you pull back some. Others envy your ability to distance yourself. Tonight: Do your thing.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You will want to defer to a loved one about a situation that keeps popping up. Understand that you might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your emotions emerge no matter what you are up to. Take time for a chat with a friend. Tonight: Veg a little.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Avoid getting too focused on a personal matter. Other issues need your attention, especially those involving your friends. Your input is valued, and is likely to create a lot of thought and awareness. Listen to what is going on with a family member. Tonight: Out late.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Someone might view you as being overly friendly and a bit too casual. Those characteri­stics easily could make this person feel uneasy. Try not to give in to a need to impress others. Express your compassion more subtly. Tonight: Propel yourself into the social scene!

(Feb. 19-March 20) You could be overwhelme­d by everything that is happening around you. You might be able to swim for miles, but how well can you tread water for lengthy periods of time? Ask more questions, and you’ll be delighted by what you hear. Tonight: Consider taking a big plunge.

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