Yuma Sun

Business Glance


‘Good Morning, Yuma!’

The Yuma County Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly “Good Morning, Yuma!” from 6:30 to 8 a.m. Thursday at the Pivot Point Conference Center, 310 N. Madison Ave. This month’s sponsor is Amberly’s Place.

The program will feature city administra­tor Greg Wilkinson who will give a presentati­on on the city budget for 2016-17, with a Q&A session to follow. Cost is $15 per person at the door. The event includes breakfast, presentati­ons and networking.

For more informatio­n, call the chamber at 9207390.

Continuing education


Arizona Western College will present classes in MS Office Excel, QuickBooks and how to deal with difficult customers.

Excel classes are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., fees are $99 per class; QuickBooks are 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., fees are $129 per class; How to deal with difficult customers is 8 a.m. to noon, fee is $39.

• MS Office Excel intermedia­te, April 15

• MS Office Excel advanced, April 22

• QuickBooks introducti­on, April 11-12

• QuickBooks intermedia­te, April 18-19

• How to deal with difficult customers, April 29

All classes will be held at the AWC Entreprene­urial Center, 1351 S. Redondo Center Drive. To register, call 317-7674 or download a registrati­on flyer from www.azwestern.edu/continuing­ed.

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