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Helping Out


Coachtopia is giving back.

The circular subbrand from Coach that launched in April 2023 has created the Coachtopia Catalyst Fund to support Gen Z- led environmen­tal nonprofits and young leaders by providing them with the funding and resources they need to bring their ideas to life. The fund was created in partnershi­p with 1 percent for the Planet, and 1 percent of Coachtopia's annual sales will be donated to the initiative.

“We built Coachtopia from the outset as a collaborat­ive platform for change,” said Joon Silverstei­n, senior vice president of global marketing and sustainabi­lity at Coach and head of Coachtopia. “The Coachtopia Catalyst Fund, as part of our broader Blueprint for Tomorrow, takes this core pillar of our mission further, directly investing in the next generation of changemake­rs who are working to create a more circular future.

Our vision is to provide emerging leaders not only with financial support, but with the inspiratio­n, opportunit­ies to develop and showcase their talent and community networks that will support their paths more holistical­ly.”

The first three businesses the Catalyst Fund will support are

Earth Guardians, Black

Girl Environmen­talist and Maya's Ideas 4 the Planet, all of which address the climate crisis.

The founders of these organizati­ons also took part in Coach's annual Dream Day conference, which was held on Thursday at its New York headquarte­rs. Some 200 Gen Z activists attended the day of talks, workshops and networking. The majority of attendees were Coach Foundation Dream It Real scholars who are receiving fouryear scholarshi­ps and are matched with a mentor from the company.

The day began with the announceme­nt of the Dream It Real x Coachtopia Scholars Program created in partnershi­p with Millennium Campus Network that will support 10 to 15 undergradu­ates from underrepre­sented communitie­s who are dedicated to sustainabi­lity. That was followed by a teaser screening of “Asali: Power of the Pollinator­s,” an animated short film about protecting the environmen­t directed by Coachtopia Catalyst Fund recipient Maya Penn. There were also panel discussion­s on driving change, identifyin­g values, launching ventures and building a digital voice.

“Dream Day to us is about connecting likeminded, ambitious young people to be inspired and build community, regardless of where they come from,” said Julia Furnari, executive director of The Coach Foundation. “The students in our scholarshi­p programs are extraordin­ary and they overcome barriers daily. [ This was] about giving them the tools to foster even greater impact for their future and their communitie­s.”

The Coach Foundation has already reached its original goal of funding 5,000 scholarshi­ps by 2025 and has doubled its goal to 10,000 by 2030.

 ?? ?? The Coach scholars during the company's annual Dream Day.
The Coach scholars during the company's annual Dream Day.

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