Call & Times


Community comes together for Woonsocket Police Department’s National Night Out


WOONSOCKET - The Woonsocket Police Department celebrated its annual National Night Out with the community at World War II 9eterans Memorial Park Aug. 3.

Every year the Woonsocket Police Department, along with police department­s across the United States, participat­e in the National Night Out campaign. This campaign is a yearlong commitment aimed at building relationsh­ips between police and community members.

This year’s event featured K demonstrat­ions, a bounce house, free toys, a bike giveaway, and informatio­n on public safety, including lead poisoning, over the counter drugs, and fire safety.

Chief of Police Thomas F. Oates III emphasized the importance of police interactin­g with the community in an event that is a “relaxed environmen­t” because police ordinarily only get to interact with the community during situations of need and distress.

Oates said the event also allows the department to showcase the police’s other capabiliti­es.

He added, “Arrests are just a small percentage” of what the police department does, but arrests are usually what is associated with police.

Oates said along with this event, the police department participat­es in other community events throughout the year as well as other events put together by the department, including Copswalk which is aimed at raising money for the families of police officers who have died in the line of duty.

He added his favorite part of the event is “getting to see and talk with people, especially the kids.”

Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt said she was “very pleased with the turnout and the amount of options for people to explore” at the day’s event, adding how important it is for the police and the community to build a relationsh­ip, especially “for children who may be unsure.”

She said it was a “nice summer night,” adding the city left the splash pad on later than usual for the event.

Baldelli-Hunt said she is thankful for all the “public safety officials who worked hard to put the event together.”

Deputy Chief of Police Michael Lemoine said the department has been participat­ing in National Night Out for “as long as I can remember.”

Lemoine added the event is important “to get the community and police together” and show them “police are personable” and “human beings.”

Woonsocket Animal Control attended the event, holding an adoption table in conjunctio­n with the Cat Sanctuary.

There were a total of five cats with one from the Cat Sanctuary and the rest from the Woonsocket Animal Shelter.

Captain John Picard said he encourages people to set up an appointmen­t to

 ?? Photo by Leighah Beausoleil ?? Representi­ng the Woonsocket Police Department at National Night Out on Tuesday are, from left: Capt. Edward Cunanan, Detective Christophe­r Brooks, Chief of Police Thomas F. Oates III, Lt. Tom Calouro (also a command chief master sergeant in the Rhode Island Air National Guard), Sgt. Matthew Oliver and Deputy Chief Michael Lemoine.
Photo by Leighah Beausoleil Representi­ng the Woonsocket Police Department at National Night Out on Tuesday are, from left: Capt. Edward Cunanan, Detective Christophe­r Brooks, Chief of Police Thomas F. Oates III, Lt. Tom Calouro (also a command chief master sergeant in the Rhode Island Air National Guard), Sgt. Matthew Oliver and Deputy Chief Michael Lemoine.
 ?? Photos by Leighah Beausoleil ?? The Blackstone Valley Prevention Coalition. (Left) Berta Leon, youth specialist and grant project coordinato­r, along with some of the youth she has been working with Aissatou Diallo, Allie Carcifero, and Abdul Diallo.
Photos by Leighah Beausoleil The Blackstone Valley Prevention Coalition. (Left) Berta Leon, youth specialist and grant project coordinato­r, along with some of the youth she has been working with Aissatou Diallo, Allie Carcifero, and Abdul Diallo.
 ??  ?? Among the families at the event were, from left: Yulaika Garcia, Azaria Davenport, 1, Misael Davenport, 2, Devin Davenport.
Among the families at the event were, from left: Yulaika Garcia, Azaria Davenport, 1, Misael Davenport, 2, Devin Davenport.

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