Woman's World

Save $1,000 or more in 2024

Costs may be going up, but you can still spend $1,000s less on bills this year with these tips!


Save on streaming

If you’re like most of us, you’re paying for more than one streaming service, costing you $468 per year, on average. But there’s a growing trend that can save you over $200 while still allowing you to watch everything you want: subscripti­on hopping. This is where you pay for just one contract-free streaming service at a time (like Netf lix) rather than several simultaneo­usly. Just activate a streaming service, then watch your favorite TV shows and movies the service offers—for example, stream a new season of a series you like, then after a month or two, cancel that subscripti­on and move on to another contract-free streaming service (like Peacock) and watch content there. It’s like paying for a single subscripti­on service while getting all the entertainm­ent you want!

Helpful hint: Some platforms (including Hulu, Netf lix and Youtube TV) allow you to pause your subscripti­on for a period of time (usually three to six months). You’ll stop getting billed monthly and won’t be able to access content, but you’ll keep your settings (like your watch list) until your account is reactivate­d.

Pay less at the pump

Sure, you know there are several ways to cut the cost of fueling up: You can join a gas station’s rewards program (like Shell Fuel Rewards, which saves you at least 3 cents per gallon when buying at least 10 gallons). You can upload receipts to free cash-back apps (like Checkout 51, which can earn you up to 25 cents per gallon). Or you can pay with a cash-back credit card (like the Gasbuddy Mastercard that gives you 3 cents to 25 cents cash back for each gallon). Another way? Stacking! “Stacking is a method of layering multiple savings tools (like cash back, discounts and coupons) to pay the lowest price possible,” says Nicole Petersen, a savings expert for Gasbuddy.com. “For example, you can use a credit card or gas card with cash back on fuel purchases in conjunctio­n with a gas station loyalty program that offers cents off,” she explains. This easy tactic can more than double your savings! For instance, if you buy 10 gallons of gas a week, you’ll go from saving around $130 a year to saving over $275!

Cut home energy costs

Research shows you can save 8% to 10% on your monthly electric bill (translatin­g into about $160 a year, on average) by installing a “smart” thermostat. “Unlike traditiona­l ones, smart thermostat­s can be programmed,” says Traci Fournier, Vice President of Operations at One Hour Heating and Air Conditioni­ng (Onehourhea­tandair.com). “You can set the thermostat to turn on, off or change temperatur­e ahead of time.” For example, you can set it to drop a few degrees in the winter when you’re out during the day. Tip: Ask if your power company will pay for it! Many cover all or part of the cost because it reduces unnecessar­y drains on the electric grid.

Nab deals on car insurance

Now’s the time to check your credit score, (sign up for a free account at Creditkarm­a. com or ask if your bank or credit card issuer offers it at no cost). A new report reveals that the average American’s score has risen to a new high of 718, thanks, in part, to some medical debts being removed from credit reports. And if your credit score has gone up, ask your auto insurer for a lower price. Research shows that drivers with average credit (600 to mid-700s) pay $1,465 less on their annual premium than those with a score below 600. And if your score has gone above the mid-700s, you’ll pay $1,715 less! The reason, says Maya Afilalo, an expert for Autoinsura­nce.com, “People with higher credit scores tend to f ile fewer insurance claims.” As a result, you’re offered a cheaper price!

! science Saving

Heard you can save on wireless service by switching from a traditiona­l mobile provider (like T- Mobile and Verizon) to a discount provider that offers plans for as little as $15 to $25 a month, but worried it won’t have the same high quality? Now you can get free trials from many discount providers, including Mint Mobile (seven days), US Mobile (50 days) s) and Visible (15 days). Try it risk-free, then save $100s s a year if you like it!

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