Woman's World



Wish you could perk up your body’s calorie-burning power without a special diet or exercise? Then your wish just came true! Growing research shows that berberine— a compound found in plants like turmeric and goldenseal— works metabolism-boosting magic, firing up our ability to incinerate both blood sugar and stored fat. Scientists say the effect is so pronounced, folks in one study reversed their clinical obesity in a mere 12 weeks. There’s also proof berberine dramatical­ly improves cholestero­l, blood pressure, diabetes and more. “I’m convinced that berberine is one of the most beneficial of all natural therapies,” says integrativ­emedicine pioneer Julian Whitaker, M.D. Women who spoke to Woman’s World rave, saying the stuff is transformi­ng their health while making it easy to lose a pound a day.

Berberine has been used as medicine for so long, ancient healers actually wrote about it on clay tablets. But it didn’t get much attention in modern times until recently, “when small clinical trials demonstrat­ed its remarkable ability to lower blood sugar and cholestero­l,” notes Dr. Whitaker, who shares wellness advice on Healthydir­ections.com. In fact, a 1,500-mg. daily dose of berberine has been found to slash blood sugar by up to twice as much as the common diabetes drug metformin. On top of

that, it can lower triglyceri­des by 35% and total cholestero­l by 29%. “Berberine is really a ‘what can’t it do?’ kind of herb,” says Columbia University– trained nutrition expert and A-list Diet author Fred Pescatore, M.D. Dr. Pescatore adds that while more berberine research is needed, we already know lots of exciting things…

Burn more, heal fast

By now, we’ve all heard we should go easy on processed food. But what’s the biggest reason? Turns out, too much

processed junk damages delicate mechanisms inside us, making it harder and harder for the hormone insulin to get blood sugar— a type of fuel made from carbs—into cells to burn for energy. The result is a domino effect of fatigue, weight gain and poor health. Berberine to the rescue! The superherb “binds to cells and asks them to open up for blood sugar,” explains Dr. Pescatore. It gives insulin a much-needed hand, so sugar once destined to end up plumping our fat cells can instead be used to power our engines. Plus, berberine’s blood sugar–lowering ability can prevent and even reverse prediabete­s and type 2 diabetes!

Another way berberine boosts burn: It activates an enzyme called AMPK, “which is sort of a metabolic master switch,” says Dr. Pescatore.

Once turned on, AMPK tells cells to gobble up all the fuel they can. Energy and metabolism soar, and studies show fat loss increases by up to 600%.

Calories— canceled!

As if all these berberine benefits weren’t enough, the compound also “minimizes the absorption of carbs and fat from the food we eat,” according to berberine fan Stephanie Redmond, Pharmd., co-founder of Diabetesdo­ctor.com. In other words, some calories consumed while berberine is in our system simply don’t count. Bonus: As fat absorption decreases, cholestero­l levels drop too. It’s a winwin and then some!

How can we get enough berberine to reap all its rewards? There’s simply not enough available in common foods, so Dr. Pescatore recommends a 500-mg. supplement three times daily.

Real-world wow

When Barbara Musser heard the buzz about berberine and started taking it, she suddenly had lots of energy and no cravings. “That got my attention,” says the veteran dieter, 68. She kept it up and was thrilled to drop four pants sizes.

Then there’s Trista de Vries. She gained weight steadily during a long battle with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertilit­y. Finally blessed with a daughter, Trista found that her hormonal issues made it feel impossible to get to a healthy weight. So when she heard other women with PCOS saying berberine could make a big difference, “I researched and found promising studies,” recalls the customer service rep, an Australia native. “I started taking 500 mg. in the morning and again in the evening.” Blood tests showed that within six weeks, her poor insulin function was completely reversed. Her cravings for chocolate and junk food were gone, making it a cinch to stick to the proteinric­h meals her nutritioni­st recommends. Yet she still regularly eats anything she wants—steak, barbecue, potatoes, buttery corn—without gaining an ounce. Once-stubborn pounds have disappeare­d. “I’m over the moon about the weight loss and how much better I feel in general,” she shares. Not only is she down 68 pounds from her highest, “I’ve lost 25.79 inches in five months. I just wish I’d tried berberine sooner!”

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