Woman's World

Berries finally cured Betsy’s severe arthritis pain

Debilitati­ng joint pain was destroying Betsy Robinson’s life and spirit. Over-the- counter meds stopped helping, and she feared prescripti­on drugs were her only option— until she made one simple diet tweak

- — Elisabeth Dunham

“Whoa!” Betsy Robinson lost her breath as she reached up to place a book on a shelf in her gift shop and fiery pain shot from her right hip down her leg. I can’t take this anymore, the Portland, Oregon, then-56-yearold thought wearily.

Two years earlier, after months of chronic hip and leg pain, a visit to her doctor had yielded a dishearten­ing diagnosis: “You have early onset arthritis,” he’d said. At that time, he said ibuprofen was all she needed. But Betsy worried about the future. She knew arthritis is progressiv­e. How much worse will it get?

As time went on, her pain did worsen, and the over-thecounter medication did little to relieve it. Climbing stairs and even walking became difficult. At night, her aching body kept her tossing and turning, leaving

Betsy perpetuall­y exhausted. She became even more unnerved when her arthritis spread to her hands, where painful nodules in her muscles made it sometimes impossible to grasp a coffee cup. With simple, everyday tasks unbearable, the mother of three realized she needed something other than ibuprofen. But she didn’t want to take prescripti­on medication­s for fear of side effects. Betsy had majored in health and fitness in college and had also studied and practiced holistic healing.

There has to be something natural I can try first, she hoped.

“Berries may be small, but they boast powerful nutrient compositio­ns that improve health in many ways”

— William Li, M.D.

A delicious solution

Rememberin­g from her studies that foods can have powerful healing properties, Betsy talked to a nutritioni­st friend who suggested making one simple addition to her diet: berries.

Intrigued, Betsy consulted the Arthritis Foundation website and learned it was sound advice. Berries, in fact,

are among some of the best fruits for arthritis because they are loaded with antioxidan­ts, such as ascorbic acid (a form of vitamin C) and polyphenol­s, anthocyani­ns and carotenoid­s, which give berries their deep color and also help rid the body of inflammati­on-causing “free radicals” and help prevent heart disease and certain cancers.

Intrigued, Betsy began tossing a cup of fresh or frozen berries into a smoothie each morning, rotating between raspberrie­s, blueberrie­s or blackberri­es. She also enjoyed a bowl of berries with one of her meals each day. To her amazement, after just a couple of weeks, the pain in her joints began to lift. She also noticed she was able to sleep through the night.

Encouraged, she continued eating berries, and remarkably, within just three months, all of the pain in her joints was gone!

At her next checkup, Betsy’s doctor was thrilled with her progress. “Keep doing whatever you are doing,” he told her.

She did, and today, Betsy, now 58, remains pain-free, and the nodules on her hands are gone. Adding berries to her diet also inspired her to incorporat­e other healthy foods, and she’s now lost 50 pounds.

“My life has completely changed. I actually feel younger,” says Betsy. “Today, I am living the healthy, painfree life that seemed impossible before!”

 ??  ?? “I’ve never felt so good. Not only can I walk painfree, I dance and play tennis— I’m a new woman!” says Betsy
“I’ve never felt so good. Not only can I walk painfree, I dance and play tennis— I’m a new woman!” says Betsy

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