Woman's World

5-minute romance

When a dashing captain saves the day at her company’s holiday boat party, Becca finds that a new chance at love is on the horizon

- — Mishael Austin Witty

Look at the boat!” 5-year-old Liam screeched, yanking free of his mother’s hand and pointing toward the water before them.

The yacht was much larger than Becca imagined it would be. Leave it to her company’s bigwig CEO, Mr. Bartlett, to have his company’s Labor Day family picnic on something so ostentatio­us.

The chatter of guests swirled around Becca as she hefted her bag of snacks and toys for Liam onto her shoulder. “It’s a lovely boat, Liam. But remember—this is a party for Mommy’s work.”

She hadn’t wanted to come, but Liam had spotted the picture of the yacht on the invitation and his persistent begging had tugged at her too-tender heartstrin­gs, stretched ever so thin since her husband had passed. Now, here they were— and Becca was already exhausted.

Suddenly, Liam darted, running full-speed toward the crush of people at the ramp. Her heart pounded as she hurried after him, slowed by her heavy load. “Liam, wait! ”

She caught up to him on the ramp solely because a handsome man in stylish regatta gear had him by the shoulders. The man knelt and said something to Liam, who smiled and pointed toward his mother, screaming, “Mom! It’s the boat captain!”

When Becca approached, the stranger stood and grinned directly at her, sending a shot of excitement from her head to the tips of her toes. “Does this track star here belong to you?” he asked.

Becca bit her lip, trying to seem more composed than she felt as his eyes swept down her frame appreciati­vely. “Yes—for as long as I can catch him!” She took Liam’s hand. “Thank you… Captain?”

He tipped his nautical hat. “Jack. Captain Jack. And it’s my pleasure. I hope to see more of you aboard.” Becca turned into the crowd, herding her son forward to stop Captain Jack from seeing the flush of pleasure she felt at his words. When she entered the boat’s interior, a lavish spread of food stretched across the deck. Becca rolled her eyes. As an accountant at the company, she’d never met Mr. Bartlett in the

“His grin sent a shot of excitement from her head to her toes”

flesh but knew he spared no expense when it came to employee appreciati­on. It appeared this party would be no exception.

In an instant, Liam was tugging her toward the chocolate fountain. She mumbled apologies to her co-workers as she narrowly missed running into them.

“Do you want chocolate-covered strawberri­es?” Becca set her bag down next to the table and reached for a paper plate. “Marshmallo­ws!” Liam exclaimed. Becca’s eyes widened as his hand reached a white blob in the flow of chocolate, when another hand shot out to grab Liam’s arm.

“Whoa there, champ,” Captain Jack laughed. “Careful. There’s a heating element in there that could give you a pretty nasty burn.”

Liam gazed up at Captain Jack, who smiled warmly down at him before unexpected­ly turning to set his gaze on Becca.

“Another near miss,” she said, blushing anew. “How can I ever thank you?”

“Oh, your work is thanks enough, Becca,” Jack said. “You’ve done some amazing things at the company this year…”

The company? Becca blinked. What did Captain Jack know about her work? Suddenly, understand­ing dawned: Jack. It was bigwig Bartlett’s first name.

Becca felt her stomach twist. “Mr. Bartlett…i’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was you! We’ve never met, you’re in that uniform…” She cut herself off, embarrasse­d.

Captain Jack grinned, gesturing down at his uniform. “It’s too much, right? Our HR team talk me into it. Said it would make the staff happy, or at least give them a laugh…did it serve its purpose, Becca?”

The way he said her name, like it was a square of chocolate he’d been waiting to savor, made the hair on the back of Becca’s neck stand on edge. “I don’t know about the uniform…” she said, trying to keep her voice even. “But you’ve definitely made me— and my son—very happy today.”

Jack swept his captain’s hat off and planted it on a smiling Liam’s mass of sandy curls. “Well then, my work here is done. But I don’t want this to be the last time we see each other…maybe we can get dinner sometime? I know a great, trackstar-safe restaurant on the water. Great fish and, if you say yes, even greater company.”

Becca’s heart soared as she met his eyes, which shined with expectatio­n. Maybe bigwig Bartlett was about to be her big-time love. “I’d love to.”

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