Woman's World

Easiest ever weight loss


There’s a new health trend sweeping the nation— and Dr. Oz recently declared it’s “the best way to lose weight, prevent disease and even live longer.” He’s so convinced, he’s using the approach, called timerestri­cted eating, himself! Here’s what his version entails: Each day, you consume all your food during the same eighthour window, aiming to get the bulk of your calories before 3 PM (for example, eating between 10 AM and 6 PM, making lunch your largest meal). Evidence from top research labs suggests this strategy triggers biochemica­l changes inside us to help us thrive— so much so that folks report dropping up to 20 pounds in 13 days as they rapidly improve blood pressure, cholestero­l, diabetes and more. “It’s easier to do than you think,” Dr. Oz promised.

And it can totally transform your body!

One reason this style of eating speeds off excess pounds: It prompts your body to burn lots of extra fat! That’s because limiting meals and snacks to an eight-hour window means you end up fasting for 16 hours each day— which is long enough that your body runs out of blood sugar (its carbbased primary fuel) and is forced to start turning fat into an alternate fuel called ketones. “That’s what happens when people go on the keto diet,” Dr. Oz explained. Turning stored

fat into ketones not only makes your waist shrink, but the compounds “provide an important source of fuel for your heart and brain.” So your overall health and wellness get a really nice boost too.

There’s more: Modern humans still have the same genes that helped our ancient ancestors survive periods of food scarcity, which is why fasting activates internal mechanisms that make us stronger, more energized and better able to tackle whatever life throws at us. In fact, time-restricted

eating has been shown to optimize levels of many hormones, including fat-storing insulin and appetite-suppressin­g leptin. Short fasts have also been shown to spike the “fountain of youth” hormone HGH by a whopping 1,300%. No wonder studies from places like the National Institutes of Health and Johns Hopkins University suggest timerestri­cted eating can help us slim down and live the longest, healthiest life possible!

Next-level booster

Dr. Oz noted that many folks who try time-restricted eating start out by skipping breakfast and bumping their eight-hour eating window as late in the day as possible. But if weight loss is your goal, an earlier window gives you a huge edge. That’s because our metabolism naturally slows after sundown, so we burn off less of what we eat at night. “It’s best to make breakfast and lunch your largest meals and dinner your smallest. You want to get 80% of your calories before 3 pm,” he said, citing Louisiana State University research that found eating in an earlier window leads to more weight loss as well as greater improvemen­ts in insulin, blood pressure and markers of disease. Also backing him up: A study at Tel Aviv University on volunteers in their 60s found that those who ate all their meals in an early window lost roughly 10 times more weight compared to volunteers who consumed the same calories in a longer and later window.

Real-world wow

Looking for ways to better control her type 2 diabetes, Jean Polino read about timerestri­cted eating in The Obesity Code by Jason Fung, M.D. “It just made so much sense. I’d tried diet after diet that didn’t work, and I felt it was one tool I’d never had before,” recalls the New York retiree, 64. She gave herself a window of 9 am to 5 pm, sticking to foods she knew kept her blood sugar down, like omelets, salads, steak and veggies roasted with olive oil. Jean lost 10 pounds the first week. After 12 weeks, she says, “My diabetes had reversed.”

As Jean continued on her journey, she kept learning and experiment­ing. “There’s no forbidden food using this method, so I’m constantly changing what I eat and what I’m doing to see what works best. I’m a much earlier eater now since that makes a big difference for me. And I made a rule to only eat when

I’m hungry, so sometimes my fasts go longer.”

After dropping 142 pounds and shrinking from a size 5X to an XL, Jean has become an ambassador for Dr. Fung on Thefasting­method.com. As she helps coach others using time-restricted eating, “one surprising thing I’ve noticed is that women look so much younger after doing this. The effect on your skin is amazing. People tell me I look younger now than when I retired 10 years ago!”

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