Woman's World

Everyday heroes: This volleyball team raised $10,000 for their rivals!

After the Northern California wildfires destroyed their town, a high-school girls’ volleyball team was given a gift from their rival team that renewed their hope!


We’ll understand if you want to cancel the game tomorrow,” Travis Smith said into the phone, his heart heavy. Just days before, the highschool girls’ volleyball coach at Forest Lake Christian School in Auburn, California, had been looking forward to his team’s semifinal face-off with Paradise Adventist Academy. But then a fast-moving wildfire spreading through the area had destroyed the town of Paradise, and now the match had understand­ably taken a back seat. All Travis could do was ask, “How can we help you out?”

On the other end of the line, Jason Eyer, the volleyball coach and athletic director at Paradise Adventist Academy, sighed. The devastatio­n was inconceiva­ble, with thousands having lost their homes. But when he spoke, Jason’s voice was filled with conviction.

“We just want some semblance of normalcy: We want to play.” In fact, he told Travis, almost everyone from Paradise planned to make the 80-mile trip to watch the game.

“But you’ll just have to bear with us,” Jason said. “Most of my players lost their equipment, and so they’ll be playing in T-shirts with their team numbers written on the backs.”

Hanging up, Travis shared his conversati­on with his athletic director, Laron Gordon, and the two agreed they needed to do something to help. After talking with school administra­tors, a plea was sent out on social media asking the community for donations to be dropped off in bins stationed outside the school doors.

The entire Auburn community answered the call, delivering a mountain of clothes, food and supplies that overflowed the bins, completely blocking the school entrance. Meanwhile, Laron worked with the California Interschol­astic Federation to collect money for the Paradise volleyball players in lieu of an admission fee.

When the Paradise community filed into the packed auditorium the following evening, they were greeted with cheers by all of the Forest Lake fans, who had managed to raise more than $10,000 for the visiting team. And the giving didn’t end there.

Each player on the Paradise team received a $300 gift card and a new uniform, complete with an official jersey with their number on the back.

“We don’t know how they did it,” one Paradise player marveled. “It was just a feeling of overwhelmi­ng love.”

Though Paradise ultimately fell to Forest Lake in the match, that love has continued to grow between the two schools.

“Our intent was to love and support them,” Travis smiles. “Seeing our community come together was amazing, and the friendship­s forged between our two teams is just a blessing.”

Jason shares Travis’ feelings. “In 24 hours, this community stepped up to help us when we needed it most,” he says. “It was the ultimate example of what it means to be compassion­ate, and because of it, we are looking for ways to spread our love to those in need!”

 ?? Forest Lake Christian School raised $10,000 for the Paradise Adventist Academy team (above), who lost everything in the wildfires ??
Forest Lake Christian School raised $10,000 for the Paradise Adventist Academy team (above), who lost everything in the wildfires
 ??  ?? The community rallied to give Paradise players new uniforms and equipment
The community rallied to give Paradise players new uniforms and equipment

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