Woman's World

New amplified phone lets you hear AND see the conversati­on.

The Hamilton ® Captel ® Captioned Telephone converts phone conversati­ons to easy-to-read captions for individual­s with hearing loss.


Do you get discourage­d when you hear your telephone ring? Do you avoid using your phone because hearing difficulti­es make it hard to understand the person on the other end of the line? For many Americans the telephone conversati­on – once an important part of everyday life – has become a thing of the past. Because they can’t understand what is said to them on the phone, they’re often cut off from friends, family, doctors and caregivers. Now, thanks to innovative technology there is finally a better way.

A simple idea… made possible with sophistica­ted technology. If you have trouble understand­ing a call, captioned telephone can change your life. During a phone call the words spoken to you appear on the phone’s screen – similar to closed captioning on TV. So when you make or receive a call, the words spoken to you are not only amplified by the phone, but scroll across the phone so you can listen while reading everything that’s said to you. Each call is routed through a call center, where computer technology – aided by a live representa­tive – generates voice-to-text translatio­ns. The captioning is real-time, accurate and readable. Your conversati­on is private and the captioning service doesn’t cost you a penny. Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS) is regulated and funded by the Federal Communicat­ions Commission (FCC) and is designed exclusivel­y for individual­s with hearing loss. To learn more, visit www.fcc.gov. The Hamilton Captel phone requires telephone service and high-speed Internet access. Wifi Capable. Callers do not need special equipment or a captioned telephone in order to speak with you.

Finally… a phone you can use again. The Hamilton Captel phone is also packed with features to help make phone calls easier. The keypad has large, easy to use buttons. You get adjustable volume amplificat­ion along with the ability to save captions for review later. It even has an answering machine that provides you with the captions of each message.

“For years I avoided phone calls because I couldn’t understand the caller… now I don’t miss a thing!”

See for yourself with our exclusive home trial. Try a captioned telephone in your own home and if you are not completely amazed, simply return it within 60-days for a refund of the product purchase price. It even comes with a 5-year warranty.

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SEE what you’ve been missing!
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