Washington Examiner

Who’s afraid of Taylor Swift?

- —By Conn Carroll

generation­s, but again, when you look at which cities have the highest marriage rates among millennial­s, it appears that housing costs are playing a big factor.

The best large city for millennial marriage rates is Salt Lake City, at 52.5%. OK, that one is more of a story about religious beliefs affecting marriage rates, but No. 2 is Grand Rapids, Michigan, with 50.2%. No. 3 is Dallas, Texas, with 49%, and No. 4 is Raleigh, North Carolina, with 48.5%. None of those cities is known for large Mormon population­s.

What those cities do have in common are vibrant economies coupled with affordable housing markets. Give millennial­s a job and an affordable home, and they’ll get married and start having children like it was the 1950s.

Taylor Swift is the Right’s new favorite anti-hero. Some conservati­ves have been quaking at the football-pop culture crossover that is the relationsh­ip between Swift and Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. Now that the Chiefs are headed to the Super Bowl, they’re apoplectic.

“I wonder who’s going to win the Super Bowl,” failed presidenti­al candidon’t date Vivek Ramaswamy posted. “And I wonder if there’s a major presidenti­al endorsemen­t coming from an artificial­ly culturally propped-up couple this fall. Just some wild speculatio­n over here, let’s see how it ages over the next 8 months.”

Conspiracy theory peddler Jack Posobiec offered up this consolatio­n: “We have Taylor Swift on our side, but you know who we have? We have Kid Rock. We have Ted Nugent. We have influencer­s. We have all these people — Jon Voight.” Just the celebritie­s the Right needs to win over women and young people.

A Fox News segment weighed the question, “Is Taylor Swift a Pentagon psyop?” And Rolling Stone reported that former President Donald Trump himself has complained that he is “more popular” than Swift.

The Swift conspiracy theory, to the extent that anyone actually believes it, seems to go something like this: The NFL has rigged the game in favor of the Kansas City Chiefs, the already wildly successful team that will have competed in four of the last five Super Bowls. Swift has had her popularity boosted by government goons, and together the Pfizer-loving Kelce and Swift will endorse President Joe Biden, wreak havoc on American norms, and ride off in an electric getaway car.

Swift has so far declined to endorse Biden for the 2024 election, but that hasn’t stopped the administra­tion from keeping her on a wish list of surrogates. Swift did endorse Biden shortly before the 2020 election, and he won. Coinci

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