Wapakoneta Daily News

Auglaize Mercer Business Education Alliance seeking to expand membership


Auglaize Mercer Business Education Alliance Executive Director Curtis Hamrick told Auglaize County Commission­ers he wants to expand membership and engagement in Auglaize County.

Hamrick wants a diverse group of businesses for their business advisory council representa­tive of all areas. He especially wants more representa­tion from agricultur­e businesses.

We saw some membership increase over the past several months. The board took a look at their membership price structure and lowered the price for smaller businesses to $500 a year or $60 a month which was more affordable.

He said they were able to reconnect with Millers Textile after doing a summer educator tour with them.

“Having them rejoin us was a big win,” Hamrick said. He added that they have had stronger membership in New Bremen and Minster.

Hundreds of area juniors and seniors have explored career pathways with AMBE and dozens of businesses participat­ed in a local career fair earlier this year.

They have also held their 20 under 20 awards in coordinati­on with local economic developmen­t organizati­ons. Of those six were from Auglaize County. They had 58 nomination­s to choose from which made the process difficult.

“There’s not one of them to throw in the junk pile,” Hamrick said. “These are highqualit­y students.”

“We are recognizin­g students who have extended their learning into the workplace,” Hamrick said. “A lot of them come from Career Technical programs but not all of them. Some of them come from workbased learning like a career-based interventi­on program.”

He said the awards recognize not only the students but the businesses who support them. Instead of hosting a banquet they instead have been recognizin­g students at their schools’ award banquets and presenting awards in front of their peers.

“They may not have been a three-sport athlete, but they’ve found a successful path,” Hamrick said.

Hamrick wants to see students get connected to apprentice­ships and pre-apprentice­ships while they are still in high school. He sees room for AMBE to serve as a hub for those programs.

Auglaize County Commission­er Doug Spencer saw a need for more transporta­tion and Commercial Drivers License programs and partnershi­ps with area businesses.

Hamrick noted many of those businesses want drivers over the age of 21 which he understand­s is an obstacle.

Spencer also wanted to make sure AMBE was as active as a college recruiter in identifyin­g students that are sorting out a career path.

“For me that’s the piece that really needs to be enhanced, getting into all of the schools,” Spencer said.

Community Developmen­t Director Brooke Martin now

attends AMBE meetings on behalf of the county and said businesses want feedback from teacher-led tours, about what is being incorporat­ed into the classroom from the tours.

 ?? ?? AMBE Executive Director Curtis Hamrick
AMBE Executive Director Curtis Hamrick

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