Will omicron impact the Winter Olympics?

- Tom Schad

As Beijing 2022 organizers continue to prepare for the Winter Games, they now have a new factor to consider: the omicron variant of COVID-19.

With a little more than two months to go until the start of the Beijing Olympics, health officials are working to study and understand the variant, discovered in South Africa last week. But several countries have already moved to shut down their borders or restrict internatio­nal travel due to omicron. And the World Health Organizati­on has already described the overall global risk posed by the variant as “very high.”

What we know about omicron, and the potential impact it might have on preparatio­ns for the Games.

What do we know about omicron?

Not much. The variant was first detected by South African scientists last week after they noticed what the country’s health minister, Joe Phaahla, described as an “exponentia­l rise” in COVID-19 cases. WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s said Wednesday that at least 23 countries have now reported cases of omicron. The first U.S. case was identified in California on Wednesday afternoon. It’s immediatel­y unclear whether omicron is more transmissi­ble or deadly than past variants, like the delta variant. And public health experts are studying its interactio­ns with vaccines. The WHO did note, however, that “preliminar­y evidence suggests there may be an increased risk of reinfectio­n with omicron.”

What has China said about omicron?

China had yet to report a case of the omicron variant as of Wednesday.

At a press briefing Tuesday, a spokespers­on for China’s Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian, acknowledg­ed that the omicron variant would “certainly bring some challenges in terms of prevention and control” ahead of the Beijing Olympics. But he also indicated that China’s plans for the Games have not changed.

“I’m fully confident that the Winter Olympics will be held as scheduled, smoothly and successful­ly,” Zhao said.

When asked in an email Tuesday about the impact omicron might have on the Games, the Beijing 2022 media relations office acknowledg­ed receiving the message but did not immediatel­y provide a response.

Could the Games be postponed?

It’s possible but appears highly, highly unlikely. Hosting the Olympics is a huge point of national pride in China – a pivotal opportunit­y to show off the country, and portray itself as a global leader. This is particular­ly true as China faces internatio­nal outcry over its treatment of Uyghur Muslims, its saber-rattling on Taiwan and, most recently, the Peng Shuai situation.

Plus, after watching one of its key regional rivals (Japan) successful­ly host the Summer Games amid COVID-19 just a few months ago, postponeme­nt would likely be perceived within the Chinese government as a failure.

On top of the geopolitic­al considerat­ions, there’s also the potential cost and logistics of a postponeme­nt. It would be both expensive and extremely complicate­d to move the Games to a new date, particular­ly this late in the process.

Will COVID protocols at the Games change?

China has adopted a “zero COVID” approach that prompted some of the strictest COVID-19 countermea­sures in the world. And its preliminar­y countermea­sures for the Olympics are just as stringent.

The country has said every Olympic participan­t will be contained in a “closed loop” system, separate from the rest of the country, and get daily COVID-19 tests. The overwhelmi­ng majority of attendees will also likely be vaccinated; if not, they will be forced to quarantine for 21 days.

Beijing 2022 organizers could claim these countermea­sures are already plenty strict enough to combat omicron. Or the new variant could prompt them to make the protocols more restrictiv­e.

Their stance will become clear soon enough; The Internatio­nal Olympic Committee said organizers are expected to release the latest version of their COVID-19 “playbooks” within the next week or two.

“The latest developmen­ts regarding COVID-19 reinforce the importance of all the measures included in the Playbooks, which can be further adapted if necessary to match any particular circumstan­ces and ensure safety of all in an evolving context,” the IOC said in a statement.

Will qualifying events or other internatio­nal competitio­ns be affected?

This is the most pressing question, and the answer is likely yes.

The Chinese Figure Skating Associatio­n already announced this week that it has postponed its national championsh­ips, which were scheduled to start Dec. 6, due to COVID-19. And as more countries impose travel restrictio­ns due to omicron, it’s becoming clear that those restrictio­ns could disrupt major internatio­nal sporting events.

Japan, for instance, has closed its borders to foreign visitors but is set to host the Grand Prix final – a bellwether event in Olympic figure skating – at the end of next week. It’s unclear if athletes will be granted exemptions in order to compete.

Meanwhile, in Switzerlan­d, recentlyim­posed travel rules could impact preOlympic events in several winter sports, including Alpine and cross-country skiing.

“If travel restrictio­ns and quarantine rules are maintained, the organizati­on of internatio­nal sporting events in Switzerlan­d will be in danger, if not impossible,” Jürg Stahl, the president of Switzerlan­d’s national Olympic committee, said according to The Associated Press.

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