America, we’re aiding election interferen­ce

Problem much bigger than just the Russians

- James S. Robbins

Based on the tone of Tuesday’s Democratic debate, you’d think the Kremlin has already determined the outcome of the presidenti­al election. Former Vice President Joe Biden said Russians are “engaged now, as I speak, in interferin­g in our election.” Billionair­e Tom Steyer said there is “an attack by a hostile foreign power on our democracy right now.” Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg charged that Russia was backing Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., to ensure a Trump victory.

Clearly, the Russia scaremonge­ring is in full swing. Last week’s intelligen­ce testimony that the Kremlin is backing President Donald Trump made headline news. Another report emerged alleging Moscow is backing Sanders. Biden claimed that Bernie-backing Russian bots have been attacking him on Facebook. And Hillary Clinton told a foreign audience that “Russians are back in our cyber systems,” and that “anyone who tries to deny it” is living in a “sad dreamworld.”

Moscow no doubt is up to something, seeking to create chaos and discredit democracy. So are other malign actors. But it is safe to say the greatest practical effect Russia will have is serving as a narrative platform for Americans to generate increasing­ly strident headlines, tweets and sound bites discrediti­ng the election. This will happen whether Russian President Vladimir Putin lifts a finger or not.

First, let’s acknowledg­e that Moscow’s attempts to undermine American democracy did not start in 2016, or even back in the 1980s when Sanders was there on his honeymoon. Interferen­ce in foreign politics has been a fixture of the Kremlin’s foreign strategy for 100 years. These efforts have had no discernibl­e impact on American politics, other than occasional­ly to provide talking points for left-wing radicals.

Balance concern and knowledge

There is no reason to suspect Russia will improve its record in shaping American elections. The Mueller report detailed the efforts of Kremlin-linked activists to interfere in the 2016 election, but it did not conclude that these crude propaganda efforts influenced the outcome.

We should balance our legitimate concern that the Russians are trying to sway the electorate with the knowledge that they are not very good at it.

Even so, technology has made these influence operations easier to execute. Social media have empowered superficia­l and emotional messaging regardless of the source. And Americans hardly need Moscow to push divisive ideas. Any glance at Twitter reveals how bitter our politics has become, whether traffic is driven organicall­y by memelords or paid for by Bloomberg.

Yet the Russian interferen­ce narrative has become entrenched.

When intelligen­ce community election expert Shelby Pierson speculated to the House Intelligen­ce Committee in a closed-door meeting that Russia was trying to help President Trump get reelected, it quickly leaked, became a front-page story in The New York Times and precipitat­ed the usual outrage. It took a few days for the less dramatic truth to catch up — that there was no evidence for the “misleading” suppositio­n the Kremlin is pro-Trump; at best Russia may have a “preference” for a “deal-maker.”

It is not clear how Russia would benefit from a Trump second term anyway, since the first one has not worked out well for them. President Trump has imposed sanctions on Russia, expelled Russian diplomats, sent arms to Ukraine, sold Patriot missiles to Poland, undercut Russia’s natural gas markets in Europe, pursued nuclear modernizat­ion while not rushing to renew the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and even killed hundreds of Russian mercenarie­s in Syria.

Those who accuse the president of being a Kremlin asset should seriously rethink their premises.

It’s not only Moscow

It is also a mistake to blame only Russia for bot campaigns and other forms of election interferen­ce. Any foreign government with a grudge against America could be at it. Iran has already tried to hack into the Trump reelection campaign. China may also be involved in seeking to influence the U.S. election; it was recently accused of election meddling in Cambodia and Indonesia.

When incidents take place leaving behind evidence of well-known Russian cyberespio­nage groups like Fancy Bear, it could well be hackers from other countries trying to cover their tracks. Even Americans could be exploiting the climate of Russophobi­a to try to hack the election and escape undetected.

The United States should remain aware that malign groups, both foreign and domestic, will seek to exploit the increasing­ly shrill informatio­n domain to tilt the election playing field one way or the other. Forewarned is forearmed.

Nonetheles­s, Americans should not make it easy for them. We play into the hands of these groups by overreacti­ng to the latest shiny stimulus thrown into the media ecosystem. In that sense, the real problem is much bigger than the Russians; the problem is us. James S. Robbins, a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributo­rs, has taught at the National Defense University and the Marine Corps University and served as a special assistant in the office of the secretary of Defense in the George W. Bush administra­tion.

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