Public line up to get first ever Gov’t issued Reagan coins Free


Washington is bracing for massive line ups with everyone tr ying to get the first Ronald Reagan Coins ever to be minted by the U.S. Government. That’s why droves of collectors are now clamoring to get as many first issue rolls as they can carry home. To make sure no one gets left out, the general public has until midnight tomorrow to send in just 2 U.S. postage stamps to be the first guaranteed to receive the shimmering new Reagan Dollar Coins in brillia nt, never- circulated condition for free. The only catch is that the Official Coupon printed in today’s newspaper must be postmarked by midnight tomorrow. now,”rowit she pays “GetAnd knowstells said whento as you listen. Mary many money Maryto That’sEllendo as like Ellen something, becauseno With- oth-can er. TreasurerS­he’s theof the now United retired States40th of America and presided over the longest economic boom in U.S. history. Today, she is the compensate­d Sr. Executive Advisor to the Lincoln Treasury. And when she says it’s smart to get the only existing, Sealed Vault Tubes of these br and new, nevercircu­lated U.S. coins, you better do it today. That’s why serious collectors are snapping up these valuable, Sealed Vault Tubes, each loaded with twelve brilliant, nevercircu­lated Ronald Reagan Dollar Coins to be socked away and cashed in later. Today’s readers can claim only ten of these never before seen, Sealed Vault Tubes loaded with one hundred and twenty brill i ant, never- ci rculate d Ronald Reagan Dollar Coins. J ust clip the Of f icial Coupon printed in today’s newspaper and be sure it’s postmarked by midnight to morrow. Any couponorde­r deadlinefo­r this postmarked­special pr el at -er than midnight tomorrow is not guaranteed deliver y within the six teen week shipping schedule. “It’ s smart to stash away as many Sealed Reagan Vault Tubes as you can get. These valuable, never-circulated Vault Tubes of U.S. Gov’t issued coins make highly impressive gifts for anyone you want to be remembered by,” Withrow said.

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 ??  ?? REAGAN GIVEAWAY: Local residents do not need to go to Washington to get in on the free giveaway for the first-ever U.S. Gov’t issued Reagan Coins. That’s because the general public has until midnight tomorrow to send in just 2 U.S. postage stamps to be among the first guaranteed to get the new Reagan Dollar Coins free.
REAGAN GIVEAWAY: Local residents do not need to go to Washington to get in on the free giveaway for the first-ever U.S. Gov’t issued Reagan Coins. That’s because the general public has until midnight tomorrow to send in just 2 U.S. postage stamps to be among the first guaranteed to get the new Reagan Dollar Coins free.
 ??  ?? VALUABLE: These are the never before seen sealed Vault Tubes loaded with twelve valuable first-ever U.S. Gov’t issued Ronald Reagan Dollar Coins in brilliant, never-circulated condition.
VALUABLE: These are the never before seen sealed Vault Tubes loaded with twelve valuable first-ever U.S. Gov’t issued Ronald Reagan Dollar Coins in brilliant, never-circulated condition.

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