Abortions need to be safe for the mother



The Supreme Court struck down restrictio­ns on Texas clinics and doctors that had created roadblocks for women, giving abortion rights advocates hope of reversing similar laws in other states.

How sick is our society where we have our high courts siding with butchering babies? Undue burden on women? Those aren’t women, the females who feel fine with killing innocent children. Patricia Murphy

I’m thrilled with the ruling. Proudly pro-choice. We live in a secular nation, not one where religious beliefs trump everything else. Jim Michaud

Over 54 million babies murdered in the U.S. since 1973 and counting. By far our biggest national disgrace. When a women is pregnant, it’s not just her body anymore. It’s her body and the baby’s body. Sal Maggiore

It seems one group of people just will not stop trying to force their beliefs on another group, usually in the name of religion. The decision is made. Time to move on. If you don’t want to have an abortion, then don’t. But your beliefs have no place in telling others what to do. Bruce Mort

How does requiring an outpatient surgical procedure to be held to outpatient surgical procedure standards deny women from getting treatment? The court just proved it will do anything to keep abortion legal, including a blatant disregard for patient safety. Jason Russell

Abortion is not murder. Calling it such justifies the nuts with guns who actually do murder living, breathing people. Stop the incendiary language and mind your own — reproducti­ve — business. Patricia Rudy Hale

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