Handle civil disturbanc­es with leadership, planning


The real issue that your editorial debate on police militariza­tion missed regarding arming police with military weapons: police leadership (“Do local cops really need grenade launchers, MRAPs?” Our view; “Give police all the tools they need,” Opposing view, Thursday).

As a retired undersheri­ff and longtime instructor in civil disturbanc­e operations, I am embarrasse­d and disappoint­ed in viewing the debacle playing out in Ferguson, Mo.

The knowledge about how to plan for and handle these situations is readily available. However, because they happen relatively infrequent­ly, chiefs often fail to spend department­al resources on getting ready for these events. I am doubly disappoint­ed because many have not read the article I wrote about how to handle civil disturbanc­e in The Police Chief magazine, March 2012. I hope they go back and read it.

They might have a very dif- ferent and more positive approach to dealing with such disturbanc­es in the future.

Jerry Harper

Palmdale, Calif.

There has been an overreacti­on

and a rush to judgment in the police shooting death of Michael Brown in Missouri, exacerbate­d by outside hateful activists, looting, violence, President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Indeed, at this point evidence may lead to the conclusion that the shooting was justified. Unfortunat­ely, it is doubtful that true justice will prevail.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Apple Valley, Calif.

I am a white male who is disgusted

and sickened by the police action in Ferguson, Mo. Not only did the police cause the problem by killing an unarmed, black teenager, but also the department is now trying to blame the victim. The police have used such extremely violent and harsh measures that the scene has looked like it was happening in Russia, not the United States. All this is diverting attention from the killing of Michael Brown.

Worse, chances do not look good that the cop who shot him will be punished.

Jack Allyn


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