USA TODAY International Edition

Trump approval rating hits high

He scores on economy, slumps on other issues

- William Cummings

President Donald Trump’s job approval rating reached its highest level since he took office in polling conducted by The Washington

Post and ABC News, according to a survey released Sunday.

Forty-four percent of Americans say they approve of the job Trump is doing as president in

The Washington Post/

ABC News poll, which was conducted from June 28 to July 1 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. That was 5 points higher than his approval in a poll from April, and it surpassed his previous high of 42% in April 2017.

Fifty-one percent of Americans say he is doing a good job on the economy, which is ranked as a highly important issue for 82% of adults heading into the 2020 election.

The president has consistent­ly taken credit for positive economic data and said he would do even better in the

polls were it not for what he considers unfair news coverage and the investigat­ion into Russia’s interferen­ce in the 2016 election.

Forty-seven percent of Americans say Trump deserves most of the credit for the economy, 27%say he should get “only some” credit, 20% say he deserves “hardly any” and 4% say he deserves none.

The poll numbers highlight many of the challenges facing the president as he ramps up his reelection campaign.

Fifty-three percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing, and his high of 44% is lower than the average approval rating for every other president going back to Harry Truman. Before Trump – whose average since taking office is 39% – the record lowest-average job approval in Washington Post/ABC News and Gallup polls was held by President Gerald Ford at 47%.

Most people surveyed do not approve of how Trump has handled major issues other than the economy. Forty percent of Americans like how Trump handles immigratio­n, 38% approve of the job he’s done on health care, 32% approve of his handling of the abortion issue and 29% say he is doing a good job of addressing climate change.

Sixty-five percent say Trump has not acted in a way that’s “fitting and proper for a president,” though that number was down from January 2018 when 70% found him unpresiden­tial.

In hypothetic­al matchups against leading Democratic presidenti­al hopefuls, the poll found Trump either trailing or tied among registered voters. Former Vice President Joe Biden leads Trump 53% to 43%, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders leads 49%-48% and California Sen. Kamala Harris leads 48%46%. Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg are tied with the president.

Democrats hold an enthusiasm edge in the poll: 73% of Democratic supporters say it is “extremely important” that Trump loses his reelection bid, compared with 52% of Republican voters who say it is “extremely important” that he wins.

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