USA TODAY International Edition

Health care becomes Dems’ top priority

GOP embraces Trump and broader set of issues

- Deirdre Shesgreen and Maureen Groppe

WASHINGTON – Senate Democratic candidates and allied outside groups have devoted more than 40 percent of their TV ads this year to health care – spending a combined $17 million on spots pledging to protect people with pre-existing conditions, fight for lower drug prices and guard against cuts to Medicare.

The sharp focus on health care from Democrats stands in contrast to a more diffuse message on the GOP side. In hotly contested races across the country, Republican­s and the GOP-leaning groups have divided their ad dollars on a broader set of issues – spending about $10.5 million on spots embracing President Donald Trump, $14 million on ads touting the GOP tax law and $7.6 million on commercial­s highlighti­ng a hard line on immigratio­n.

The divergent ad strategies, based on a USA TODAY analysis of data from Kantar Media, offers a snapshot of Senate races as the primary season draws to a close and candidates pivot toward the general election only three months away.

From January through July, Democratic candidates and outside groups aired nearly 70,000 ads focused on health care, far and away the most common issue highlighte­d. The secondplac­e star in Democratic spots was jobs and unemployme­nt, featured in about 30,000 spots.

Republican­s spent most of their paid TV time talking about Trump, if only by a sliver. GOP candidates and allied outside groups have aired 45,000 pro-Trump ads this year.

The GOP’s signature legislativ­e achievemen­t – the sweeping tax cut – drew slightly fewer spots, at 43,000. More than half of those tax cut ads were paid for by Republican-leaning groups, as opposed to the candidates themselves.

Immigratio­n and the roaring economy were essentiall­y tied for third place among GOP spots, with 34,000 and 32,000 ads, respective­ly.

The figures highlight one advantage Senate Democrats have in an otherwise difficult election cycle.

Ten incumbent Senate Democrats are up for re-election in states that Trump won in 2016, which gives Republican­s a huge playing field for possible pickups. But those Democratic incumbents have faced only nominal primary opponents, while Republican challenger­s in Indiana, Montana and elsewhere have spent months in bitter GOP nominating battles.

“Democrats haven’t had competitiv­e primaries, so they’ve been focused on general-election messaging most of the cycle,” said Jennifer Duffy, who analyzes Senate races for the nonpartisa­n Cook Political Report. “Republican­s have only been in general-election mode for about a month.”

Health care ranks as a higher priority for Democrats this year than it did for Republican­s when they crusaded against the Affordable Care Act in 2010 and 2014.

The issue is closely tied to Trump because of Republican efforts to undo the law either through legislatio­n or executive action.

“I support the Affordable Care Act and voted against all of President Trump’s attempts to repeal it,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., whose campaign has spent the most money on ads that mentions health care, boasts in an ad.

Rep. Jackie Rosen, D-Nev., who is trying to unseat Republican Sen. Dean Heller, is hitting him hard for voting to repeal Obamacare. “He decided not to cross Trump,” one ad says.

Even in states that Trump won easily, Democrats focus on health care. An ad by Montana Sen. Jon Tester features a cancer patient accusing Tester’s GOP challenger, Matt Rosendale, of making health insurance less affordable in his role as the state’s insurance commission­er.

Voters listed pre-existing conditions as their is voters’ top health care campaign issue among the ones tested in a Kaiser Family Foundation poll in June. Most Democratic and independen­t voters – as well as about half of Republican­s voters – say a candidate’s position on preserving protection­s for people with pre-existing conditions is either the “single most important factor” or a “very important” factor in their vote. It’s the top campaign issue for voters living in battlegrou­nd areas such as Florida, according to the survey.

The Democrats’ focus on health care “shows how the Republican­s really blew it in 2017 by making health care their No. 1 legislativ­e priority,” then failing to pass legislatio­n to repeal and replace Obamacare, said Steven Smith, a political science professor at Washington University.

“The news from the Trump administra­tion, with its cutting around on the edges of Obamacare through administra­tive action, has kept the issue alive and hasn’t done Republican candidates any favors,” he said.

On the GOP side, the high volume of pro-Trump ads are striking because in midterm elections, candidates often try to run away from their party’s president. The Kantar data, as well as an analysis by the Wesleyan Media Project, found GOP candidates are doing the opposite: praising Trump at record rates.

“Republican­s blew it in 2017 by making health care their No. 1 legislativ­e priority.”

Steven Smith Political science professor, Washington University

 ?? DENIS POROY/AP ?? “I support the Affordable Care Act and voted against all of President Trump’s attempts to repeal it,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
DENIS POROY/AP “I support the Affordable Care Act and voted against all of President Trump’s attempts to repeal it,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

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