USA TODAY International Edition

Einstein’s travel diaries reveal his unsettling views

The physicist, a refugee himself, derides Chinese and Japanese people in writings from the 1920s, a new book shows.

- Maria Puente

Albert Einstein, the theoretica­l physicist who helped decipher the universe, inspired America’s atomic bomb project and famously vowed to fight racism, had some pretty racist things to say about the Chinese back in the 1920s, according to his travel diaries.

Such as: The Chinese are an “industriou­s, filthy, obtuse people.”

Yes, he really said that. Wandering around China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Palestine and Spain from 1922 to 1923, Einstein jotted down some of his thoughts about the people and places he encountere­d.

His musings were published last week for the first time, in a standalone volume in “The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein: The Far East, Palestine, and Spain, 1922-1923,” the latest book emerging from the Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

Some of Einstein’s thoughts make for eye-opening, unsettling reading: China is a “peculiar herd-like nation,” its citizens “often more like automatons than people,” he writes. He says that “even the children are “spiritless and look obtuse.” After commenting on the supposed fecundity of the Chinese, he laments:

“It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakabl­y dreary.”

How could this sort of thing come from the pen of a man then in his 40s and already a world-famous physicist? Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1922.

“It exposes more of the darker side of his personalit­y, which makes him more human and prompts all of us to examine our own attitudes and beliefs,” says Ze’ev Rosenkranz.

As senior editor of the Einstein papers at CalTech, Rosenkranz is the scholar who may know Einstein best. Rosenkranz says more volumes of diaries are coming, on Einstein’s travels in South America and in America.

It’s always a shock when heroic icons turn out to have feet of clay just like every other human, but Rosenkranz says Einstein’s failings as a husband

and a father were made public decades ago. But this revelation is especially wrenching.

“How do we all relate to the ‘other’? Even Einstein wasn’t very good at it,” Rosenkranz says.

Einstein himself was a refugee from hatred in the 1930s, forced to flee Germany because he was Jewish, because he opposed the Nazis and because he was a socialist and a pacifist. Moreover, toward the end of his life (he died in 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey), he became a champion of the civil rights movement, as described in the 2006 book “Einstein on Race and Racism.”

In 1946, Einstein spoke at Lincoln University in Pennsylvan­ia, the first school in America to grant college degrees to African Americans. His speech received hardly any attention in the dominant white press of the time — maybe because he strongly denounced racism as “a disease of white people.”

“I do not intend to be quiet about it,” he declared. And he wasn’t.

Rosenkranz’s introducti­on to the diaries tries to provide context for Einstein’s views at a time when such views were widespread. In fact, the Chinese Exclusion Act banning all immigrants from China was still law in the U.S., and it wasn’t repealed until 1943 during World War II.

Also, Rosenkranz notes that Einstein’s descriptio­ns of what he sees and thinks aren’t entirely negative. He points out positives and seems to be especially enamored of the Japanese, whom he describes as “pure souls” who are “unostentat­ious, decent, altogether very appealing.”

“His remarks are still shocking, especially to a modern reader,” Rosenkranz says. “But you have to see it in the context of other statements he made about ... how he relates to people who are intellectu­ally inferior or he viewed as such.”

Einstein was an elitist about intelligen­ce, he says. His perception that people in the Far East were inferior was a view that was “pretty prevalent at the time (among white Americans and Europeans), but with him what makes it special is the intellectu­al aspect of it — that is the most important factor for him,” Rosenkranz says.

 ??  ?? AFP
 ??  ?? Albert Einstein’s thoughts about the people and places he encountere­d in his travels are revealed in “The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein.” AP
Albert Einstein’s thoughts about the people and places he encountere­d in his travels are revealed in “The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein.” AP

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