USA TODAY International Edition

Sen. Warner on Mueller: No firing, no pardons

No one is above the law. Not even a president.

- Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., is vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligen­ce. Mark Warner

In 2016, Russia used the weapons of informatio­n warfare to attack the United States. The Kremlin’s goal: to undermine our democracy and weaken the United States and our Western democratic allies.

This is not the opinion of one senator, or of one political party. It is the unanimous conclusion of our nation’s intelligen­ce community.

With his most recent indictment of 13 Russian operatives and three Russian companies, special counsel Robert Mueller further illuminate­d the depths of Russia’s informatio­n warfare campaign against the United States. Last month’s filing followed indictment­s and/or guilty pleas from several of President Trump’s onetime associates. Yet despite this effort to expose our Russian enemies and bring them to justice, Mueller now sits squarely in the crosshairs of Trump and his allies.

Our nation came close to an extraordin­ary abuse of presidenti­al power when it was revealed this year that Trump ordered Mueller’s firing last June, before backing off. The president’s own lawyer, John Dowd, resurfaced this dangerous prospect Saturday when he called for the Mueller investigat­ion to be shut down. Trump quickly made clear he agrees. “The Mueller probe should never have been started in that there was no collusion and there was no crime,” the president tweeted the same day. On Sunday, he branded it partisan and unfair.

Unfortunat­ely, these are only the latest chapters in a seemingly coordinate­d effort to undermine not only Mueller, but also the career law enforcemen­t and intelligen­ce profession­als investigat­ing Russia’s election interferen­ce.

It began more than a year ago with the president himself attacking the integrity of career law enforcemen­t profession­als and repeating the false claim that the FBI wiretapped Trump Tower. It continued with the president’s sudden firing of FBI Director James Comey. More recently, his allies attempted to exploit the private political opinions of an FBI agent last year as evidence of Democratic bias in the investigat­ion. Then, Trump allies in the House touted a memo alleging abuses of power during the counterint­elligence investigat­ion into the Trump campaign, and refused to back off even after it was clear the memo had weaved cherry-picked facts into a deliberate­ly false narrative.

From Comey to former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, Trump has demonstrat­ed a willingnes­s to attack any career law enforcemen­t official he believes may pose a threat to him.

These efforts to discredit and dismantle a federal investigat­ion dealing with the president’s campaign echo dark times in our history. This campaign of innuendo and misinforma­tion should alarm us all, Republican and Democrat alike. Amplified by retweets and cable news punditry, these flimsy attacks neverthele­ss undermine public trust in law enforcemen­t and, consequent­ly, the rule of law. The apparent willingnes­s of the president and his allies to accept this outcome — despite its enormous costs to our democracy — is deeply disturbing.

Mueller is a Vietnam War veteran and a lifelong Republican, with impeccable credential­s as a man of the law. His team includes some of the nation’s best investigat­ors and prosecutor­s, and he has led this important investigat­ion with the profession­alism it requires.

Russia attacked us right here at home with cyber raids and a disinforma­tion campaign aimed at underminin­g our democratic process. Ignoring and politicizi­ng this ongoing national security threat won’tmake it go away. That’s why we must draw a red line. Passing legislatio­n to protect the Mueller probe is a necessary start, but our nation’s elected officials must also summon the courage to challenge those in our ranks who would put partisan politics over truth, or who would put the president’s interests over the interests of justice.

Congress must make clear to the president that firing the special counsel, or interferin­g with his investigat­ion by pardoning essential witnesses, is unacceptab­le and would have immediate and significan­t consequenc­es.

In America, no one is above the law. Not even the president.

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