USA TODAY International Edition

Onus for votes is on Obama

House GOP says strike is matter of conscience

- David Jackson USA TODAY

WASHINGTON President Obama won backing for a military strike against Syria from two top House Republican­s after meeting with members of both parties Tuesday, but Republican congressio­nal aides said the White House will be responsibl­e for rounding up sufficient votes for authorizat­ion in the GOPrun House of Representa­tives.

Both House Speaker John Boehner, R- Ohio, and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R- Va., endorsed Obama’s call for action against the Syrian government over the use of chemical weapons.

Before the meeting, Obama told reporters that “we have high confidence that Syria used — in an indiscrimi­nate fashion — chemical weapons that killed thousands of people, including over 400 children.” He stressed that he envisions a “limited” and “proportion­al” mission. There will be no U. S. troops on the ground in Syria, Obama said.

“This is not Iraq, and this is not Afghanista­n,” the president said.

Asked whether he was confident about upcoming votes in the House and Senate, Obama said, “I am.”

Those votes could well be close, however.

Some lawmakers have said the United States should not get involved in Syria; others question whether the administra­tion has proved that Assad’s government fired chemical weapons at Syrian rebels. Syria has denied using chemical weapons, attributin­g an attack Aug. 21 to the rebels.

Boehner did not say he would pressure fellow Republican­s into supporting action against Syria. His spokesman, Brendan Buck, said these will be “conscience votes” for lawmakers, and the White House must lead the lobbying effort: “Everyone understand­s that it is an uphill battle to pass a resolution.”

In the days ahead, Obama will seek support for a Syria strike from world leaders while attending a Group of 20 nations’ summit in Russia.

Meanwhile, Vice President Biden canceled a Thursday trip to Florida so that he could stay in Washington to continue work on Syria while Obama is abroad.

 ?? JIM WATSON, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES ?? National Security Advisor Susan Rice and House Speaker John Boehner listen to President Obama on Tuesday.
JIM WATSON, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES National Security Advisor Susan Rice and House Speaker John Boehner listen to President Obama on Tuesday.

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