Times Record

Tips for getting ‘exercise snacks’


What experts want people to know is that being active need not be done in extended time blocks to be effective at combating too much sitting.

Being solely a weekend warrior on the bike or running trail won’t undo the cumulative effects of being too sedentary during the week.

“The World Health Organizati­on estimates around 3.2 million deaths annually can be attributed to a lack of physical activity,” said chiropract­or, best-selling author and podcaster Dr. Josh Axe, who is based in Nashville, Tenn.

So if you’re sitting for long periods of time, here are some tips Axe has to build brief periods of movement and/ or exercise into your daily routine:

Be sure to stretch repeatedly: Roll your neck, reach your arms above your head, shrug your shoulders, do arms reaches from one side to the other.

Brief strengthen­ing exercises can include the following:

● Push-ups: You don’t need to do these on the floor. You can do them against a wall.

Bodyweight squats

Triceps dips:

● Calf raises: Stand on your toes and slowly lower yourself down.

● Shoulder press: Just raise a small object — say, an unopened 32ounce water bottle or a 500-sheet ream of printing paper — above shoulder level and then slowly lower. If these items are too heavy, use something lighter — or even just to the motion with no object at first as you build up your strength. Do with each arm.

● Wall sit: This is a great isometric move for strengthen­ing your quadriceps. Stand with your back against the wall and slowly lower yourself into a seated position and hold for 10 to 30 seconds at a time.

And here are some ideas for getting in more steps daily:

● Park in the farthest spot you can find.

● Take the stairs whenever possible.

● Schedule several walk breaks — at least five to 15 minutes at a time. Set an alarm on your phone if that will help you remember.

● Take phone calls standing up and/or walking around.

● Consider trying out a standing desk at your workplace or home office. Some folks have also included standing desks with walking treadmills.

Of course, before starting any new exercise program consult with your own physician.

But also remember: In our modern world, we’re encouraged to sit far more than is healthy for us — so you’ll have to make a conscious effort to combat that reality.

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