Times Chronicle & Public Spirit



Chalfont, PA — The most common method your doctor will recommend to treat your chronic pain and/or neuropathy is with prescripti­on drugs that may temporaril­y reduce your symptoms. These drugs have names such as Gabapentin, Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Neurontin, and are primarily antidepres­sant or anti-seizure drugs. These drugs may cause you to feel uncomforta­ble and have a variety of harmful side effects.

Chronic pain and/or peripheral neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves often causing weakness, pain, numbness, tingling, and the most debilitati­ng balance problems. This damage is commonly caused by a lack of blood flow to the nerves in the hands and feet which causes the nerves to begin to degenerate due to lack of nutrient flow.

As you can see in Figure 2, as the blood vessels that surround the nerves become diseased they shrivel up which causes the nerves to not get the nutrients to continue to survive. When these nerves begin to “die” they cause you to have balance problems, pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and many additional symptoms. The main problem is that your doctor has told you to just live with the problem or try the drugs which you don’t like taking because they make you feel uncomforta­ble. There is now a facility right here in Chalfont that offers you hope without taking those endless drugs with serious side effects. (See the special neuropathy severity examinatio­n at the end of this article)

In order to effectivel­y treat your neuropathy three factors must be determined.

1) What is the underlying cause? 2) How much nerve damage has be en sustained.

NOTE: Once you have sustained 95% nerve loss, there is likely nothing that we can do for you.

3) How much treatment will your condition require?

The treatment that is provided at Healing Place Medical has three main goals.

1) Increase blood flow

2) Stimulate and increase small fiber nerves

3) Decrease brain-based pain

The treatment to increase blood flow, stimulate small nerve fibers and get you back to health is our new $50,000.00 SANEXAS UNIT!

In addition, we use a state-of-theart diagnostic­s like the TM Flow diagnostic unit to accurately determine the increase in blood flow and a small skin biopsy to accurately determine the increase in small nerve fibers! The Sanexas electric cell signaling system delivers energy to the affected area of your body at varying wavelength­s, including both lowfrequen­cy and middle-frequency signals. It also uses amplitude modulated (AM) and frequency modulated (FM) signaling. During a treatment session, the Sanexas system automatica­lly changes to simultaneo­usly deliver AM and FM electric cell signal energy.

THE GREAT NEWS IS THAT SANEXAS IS COVERED BY MEDICARE AND MOST INSURANCE! Depending on your coverage, your treatment could be little to no cost to you!

The amount of treatment needed to allow the nerves to fully recover varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurologic­al and vascular evaluation. As long as you have not sustained at least 95% nerve damage there is hope!

Healing Place Medical will do a chronic pain and neuropathy severity examinatio­n to determine the extent of the nerve damage as a public service to you and/or your family and friends. This neuropathy/pain severity examinatio­n will consist of a detailed sensory evaluation, extensive peripheral vascular testing, and a detailed analysis of the findings of your neuropathy.

Healing Place Medical will be offering this chronic pain and neuropathy severity examinatio­n for the next 10 days. Call 267-436-7020 to make an appointmen­t to determine if your chronic pain and peripheral neuropathy can be successful­ly treated.

Due to our very busy office schedule, we are limiting this offer to the first 15 callers. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER ANOTHER MINUTE, CALL 267-436-7020…NOW!!!

We are extremely busy and if your call goes to our voicemail, please leave a message and we will get back to asap.

Healing Place Medical

1600 Horizon Drive, #123 Chalfont, PA 18914

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