Times-Call (Longmont)

What readers said this week


Here is a selection of comments on stories posted by the Times-call on its Facebook page Aug. 19-25.

P-TEACH grad returns to SVVSD as kindergart­en teacher

JANE GILMORE >> Oh my goodness! Congratula­tions, Deejha! I remember when you were the star pupil in my kindergart­en class! This warms my heart!

NIKI ROBERTS >> So proud of you, Deejha Blash-lopez!

JENNIFER GARCIA >> She’s amazing!

MARY AYALA >> Congratula­tions and good luck.

ELIZABETH GUNDERSON >> This program is amazing! Great job!

KARLIE CARTER >> Congratula­tions to Ms. Deejha! Mountain View is so lucky to have you.

Longmont’s Colorodans present check to Mountain States Children’s Home

LORI STRADER >> Nice work! Thanks for caring! ISABEL DUNN >> God bless you guys.

Boulder County sees four motorcycle fatalities this summer as state numbers rise

MATT ADAMS >> And seeing how many of them drive, bob and weave through traffic, split lanes, drag race each other, etc., I’m surprised the number isn’t higher. My ultimate sympathies for the families of those fatalities where the motorcycli­st was not at fault. For those where they were driving extremely dangerousl­y — play stupid games, win stupid prizes. JOAN HOLLINS >> When we lived there, LPD continuous­ly said they had no ability to mitigate traffic, speeding and dangerous driving. No surprises that fatalities are up.

Lafayette festival: Taking pride in Colorado peaches

SUSAN MCKNIRE STEGMAN >> It was so much fun, but extremely hot.

KATHY RACINE >> Had a fun time, but it sure was hot!

NATALIE COMER WOODS >> Hot and too crowded for me.

Senior skydiver, 84, takes flight Saturday in Longmont in quest to earn her Gold Wings

MARYANN MOULDS ALDRICH >> I would never skydive out of a perfectly good plane!

KATHRYN DISNEY >> Good for her, not for everyone, and that’s OK. You act like you want to make a big deal out of it. Who cares?

RITA LINDSAY >> Good for her. Personally, I can’t stand heights so I’d be a horrible skydiver.

MARK JENSEN >> What a great way to spend your golden years!

REBECCA SPAAN >> Pretty freaking awesome!

JENNIFER BEAULIEU >> Living life! That’s awesome!

KATIE BOYD MCVEY >> Awesome article, Kim! So proud of you! Keep going for the gold!

HAPPI HOLLY >> Great story! Made my day.

BYRON DAY >> This story is gold.


LINDS DUNCAN >> Hooray, young lady! What an inspiratio­n!

From the archive: New school awaits new desks

DARLENE ABBOTTS >> Pledge, oh how great to see.

MAX DELTA >> In what country was this picture taken? I don’t recognize it.

PATRICK MCFARLANE >> Kudos to this teacher. You rock, Mrs. Kirk.

KARL PALLMEYER >> The picture was taken in 1977, yet the flag only has 48 stars. I guess Colorado didn’t recognize Alaska and Hawaii until later.

BRIAN HOGAN >> Moved to Longmont the next year, started fourth at Columbine, so never got to go to Rocky Mountain, although that was my bus stop. Anyone know the names of the other kids in the photo? I think they would have ended up being Skyline class of 1988?

SUZANNE KAY >> Ten students pictured in that class. Now most first grade classes have at least 25 students.

DON POTTER >> Fixed a door in the library this morning.

PAUL RICHARDS >> No desks. Wow. How will those children be protected from tornados and “nukular” fallout?

CU Boulder’s move-in day brings a mix of excitement and nerves for new students

OZZIE PERCH >> I’ll bet that place is like living in a museum. I haunted that place 50 years ago.

Thompson School District floats ‘heat day’ early dismissals

DAVID SWENSON >> Maybe they should start classes later in the fall when it has cooled a bit (like they used to).

Longmont man faces 15 to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to four DUIS

RODNEY SMITH >> Not a happy story, but we can all be thankful our roads got a little safer.

KYLE ROTH >> After three, you should go to prison.

Uchealth begins expansion, renovation­s for Longs Peak Hospital

REBMA BURT >> Already?

Longmont City council hears sugar factory redevelopm­ent plan, finalizes ballot questions

ELIUD HERNANDEZ >> I don’t think so. I worked there, and it’s full of asbestos and other cancer-giving chemicals.

Diane Crist enters Ward 1 Longmont City Council race

JEFF NOONAN >> If you’re going to run, don’t forget north Longmont businesses.

Louisville’s orphaned bobcat kittens transferre­d from Greenwood, set to be released in 2024

GWYN AYERS >> These cubs are just gorgeous! CHEYENNE MOONDANCER >> Sooooo cute!

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