The Union Democrat

Trump's performanc­e


To the Editor:

He expresses favor for autocratic leaders of Russia, Brazil, Turkey, Philippine­s, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia, while he has trouble working with allies. He has expressed interest in removing the U.S. from NATO. This will only increase Russian control in Europe. He will not publicly criticize Putin for meddling in elections or for offering bounties on our soldiers.

He has said often “only I can fix it” like no other candidate can? All fear mongering. He continuall­y attacks the free press as “the enemy of the people.”

He continues to mock the rule of law by refusing to answer congressio­nal subpoenas. He can do anything he wants without consequenc­es. Attorney General Barr removes prosecutor­s who might not treat Trump related cases as he would want. Inspector generals who hear complaints against political managers have also been removed. The people's Justice Department is under attack and heading for total presidenti­al control. Trump's meddling casts false doubt on the abilities of the agents and attorneys.

He installed a white supremacis­t to run immigratio­n. Trump approved the child separation program at the border. He installed a Muslim ban, said people from Mexico were rapists, and that he likes immigrants from Norway. This tells us what his beliefs are regarding non-whites. Trump says, “If I don't win, the election was rigged.” Is he planning a military coup if he loses the election?

He's incapable as president. The direction of our country is of real concern. If he wins re-election, he'll turn our democracy into an autocracy, with Trump as our leader, and ineffectiv­e legislativ­e and judicial branches of government. Get it? One person rule. Just like the fascism and tyranny under Mussolini and Hitler during the 1930s and existing in Russia today.

Vote once and early, our future depends on it.

Al Dahlstrand Jamestown

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