The Ukiah Daily Journal

Reader response regarding ‘ghosting’

- Amy Cidfinlon

DEARAMY>> You recently ran a question from “Ghosted by a Friend,” about how it feels when a friend dumps you without explanatio­n.

I have a friend whose best girlfriend of many years ghosted her for no reason.

The woman, who had cut off all ties to friends and family, surfaced several years later.

It turned out that she was in an abusive relationsh­ip with a man who beat her. She was embarrasse­d and ashamed. She finally reached out after she got out of the relationsh­ip. The two women are best friends again.

So there CAN be a happy ending.

— E

DEAR E >> The insight I’ve gained — both from my own life and also from the many questions I’ve fielded about ghosting and estrangeme­nt — is that the person being ghosted most often assumes the blame. Blaming oneself is a way of filling the void created when you simply have no idea of why someone has suddenly left you.

It helps to understand that someone who changes direction suddenly might have something important going on in their own life influencin­g their behavior. DEARAMY>> I really identified with the letter from “Ghosted by a Friend,” in fact, I thought that letter could be about me, because I’m the one who does this to others.

I can cut people out of my life, (work or personal), in a heartbeat.

For me, if a person has lied to me or has hurt me in any way, they are GONE.

I felt bad about doing this with one friendship; I tried to repair it, but it was not the same.

If this happens to you, my best advice is to ask the person point-blank what happened, to see if there is anything that can be done to fix it.

— Ghoster

DEAR GHOSTER >> Your folks taught you how to manage your relationsh­ips, and so you repeat this pattern whenever things get uncomforta­ble.

I applaud your insight into your own behavior, and I thank you for sharing it.

DEARAMY>> I had a similar ghosting experience with a friend of mine, and decided to take your advice to get in touch with the person in a warm and nonconfron­tational way.

I wrote and sent this to the friend: “Today’s LA Times had a letter from a woman who had lost contact with a friend. (I didn’t write it, but I could have). She didn’t know whether to reach out or just let it go. She was advised to send an email saying ‘I think of you often and would love to hear how you are doing. I hope you’ll be in touch.’ “

I got an immediate positive response and a plan for the resumption of our friendship.

Thank you so much for giving me the tools to correct something that had been bothering me for a long time.

— Grateful

DEAR GRATEFUL >> What a joyful outcome! Thank you for letting us know what worked for you.

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