The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Solutions need to be discussed


We have all followed the amazing stories about the men who have violated the woman in our country. As we well know, abuse of power comes as no surprise! Then it was followed up by the lunatic doctor that sexually abused hundreds of young ladies. So what are we going to do about it? How are we going to stop it? Everyone is outraged but no suggestion­s how to fix it.

Well, we have two choices in life. We can throw our hands up in the air and give up or we can try to fix it. It all needs to start in the home, but unfortunat­ely the home is not the same home that people my age remember. Both parents are often working and they are not spending the quality time with their children or there are too many damaged families where the man of the house has gone missing. So here we go again, another project for our teachers. Should it be thrown on their shoulders? Of course not, but who else but our teachers really have the attention of the youth today?

We need to be talking to the young boys and telling them it is not acceptable to touch or speak to young woman inappropri­ately. We need to teach them when they are young so just maybe it will follow with them for the rest of their lives. And THEN we need to educate our young ladies that they need to speak up if they are violated. Silence is NOT the answer. They do not have to feel embarrasse­d when things like this happen.

Will men still perform these despicable acts? Of course, but just MAYBE if we start early enough the numbers of these incidents will be greatly reduced.

— Richard Gober, Ventnor

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