The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Mr. President, please knock off the juvenile tweets


Even after eight months in the most important job in the world, President Trump can’t resist being a ridiculous juvenile with some of his tweets.

A recent example — we can’t say the latest example, because we can’t predict what he might tweet between when we write this and when you read it — was his retweet of a doctored video of him hitting a golf ball into Hillary Clinton’s back, knocking her down.

Putting aside that the video shows him hitting her in the back — almost universall­y viewed as cowardice on the part of an attacker — why in the world would the leader of the free world stoop to something like that?

Yes, we know that Clinton, with the release of her post-mortem book on her election loss to Trump, has been making negative comments about the president and talking up her 2.9 million vote advantage in the raw vote. No doubt those comments make him mad.

So what? He’s the president of the United States, and she’s nothing at this point — she holds no office. Why would he bother to put her down, if that’s what he thinks he’s doing, in such a juvenile manner?

Another recent tweet that most of President Trump’s detractors considered juvenile was the one where he labeled North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un as “Rocket Man.”

Clearly the president didn’t consider applying a derogatory nickname to a national leader who has been threatenin­g to attack the United States with nuclear weapons to be juvenile — he followed up the tweet by using the “Rocket Man” term in his speech to the United Nations.

Giving his opponents derogatory nicknames has been Trump’s stock-in-trade since he started campaignin­g, and it worked for him on that stage. We’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that this is part of a good-cop bad-cop strategy, with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson taking the more diplomatic approach.

But the retweeted video about Clinton, and earlier Twitter exchanges like the one the president had with the hosts of “The Morning Joe” show, just make the president look small. It’s dispiritin­g to those who like to think of the presidency as an office of some dignity — which the U.S. people deserve — and not a showcase for a reality-TV dude.

— Orange County Register,

Digital First Media

“Why in the world would the leader of the free world stoop to something like that?”

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