The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Spring is on the way

- Maureen Hughes

I know if doesn’t feel like it after this week’s storm, but spring is only just around the corner. As soon as winter’s cold grasp will relax a little, we’ll be able to get underway with all the tasks that come with spring cleaning. If you’re anything like me, you’re starting to get this process down to a science, but if you’re not, here are the biggest things you should do to get your house ready for spring.

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Vacuum and shampoo the rugs

With everyone tramping in and out in the snow this year, your rugs are probably ready for a good cleaning — especially with barefoot weather on its way. Just a simple vacuuming won’t be enough here, you’ll want to get them deep cleaned with some hot water to really get them clean for spring.

Make sure you’re careful about how you clean your rugs though. Many rugs require specialize­d cleaning by profession­als, so don’t rush into cleaning them the wrong way.

Dust thoroughly

I’ve been dusting my house all winter, but now is the time that we need to hit the hard to reach spots, that we’ve been avoiding. Make sure that you hit the tops of the ceiling fan blades, tops of cabinets, and around the door frames.

This may be a simple piece but work your way from the top down. Despite what you may believe, your rag will not catch all the dust. Whatever falls, you’ll be about to pick up without a problem as you dust everything else.

Replace batteries in smoke detectors

While replacing your batteries for the smoke detectors isn’t one of the most ‘springy’ things to do, it is important to do it regularly. So, whenever you’re in the mood to do your thorough cleaning, make sure you change the batteries in the smoke detectors. While you’re up there make sure you clear out the dust.

Clean the windows

Now this is probably the one that none of you would for-

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