The Taos News

An open thank you to Mary Domito

- Clecie Hunter El Prado

Last Saturday evening, Mary Domito, better known as Mattress Mary, hosted an awesome party to celebrate her 20-year business anniversar­y. And she invited the entire community as guests. Attendees were blessed with an outstandin­g performanc­e by internatio­nally acclaimed Taos Pueblo musician Robert Mirabal and his band, Rare Tribal Mob.

The festivitie­s began as Mary shared her move from California to Taos, arriving with a dream to establish “a little mattress shop” in her new hometown. Twenty years later, with nurturing and acumen, she boasts a “lifestyle.”

We learned of the blossoming relationsh­ip between Mary and Robert. Years ago, she and her mother watched a television show that featured a flute playing artist. Both were besotted. Later she learned the virtuoso lived within

Taos Pueblo, right next to her new home. Consequent­ly, Mary’s present to her mom on her 80th birthday was a private in-home concert by none other than Robert Mirabal. This began the decadeslon­g bond.

On Saturday Mary once again gifted us with Robert’s brilliance, but this time to the whole Taos public. The evening was magical. En masse, the audience sang, laughed, cried and danced alongside Robert. During one of his soliloquie­s, he spoke of the importance of community and celebratio­n. Robert and Mary provided an unparallel­ed evening of both, filled with pure joy and connection.

Congratula­tions, Mary, on 20 years of business success. More importantl­y, thank you for your kindness and integrity. You uplift the Taos community with your presence and generosity.

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