The Taos News


- — Compiled by Emery Veilleux

Special events

TAOS FIESTA COUNCIL is seeking food, novelty, and arts & crafts vendors for the 2024 Fiesta de Taos, to be held at Kit Carson Memorial Park July 19-21. Interested parties may email Deadline to apply is this Friday, July 5. For more informatio­n, call Don Fransisco at 575-741-0909.

THE CLASS OF 1974 will be having their 50-year Class Reunion July 26 and 27 at KTAOS. The event is $75 per person. For more informatio­n, please log in to “Taos Class of 1974 50th Year Reunion” on our Facebook page to contact Carmella Chavez-Villafranc­a or Theresa Trujillo.



MEXICO TAOS CHAPTER will hold their monthly meeting Wednesday, July 3, 6–7:30 p.m. at Kit Carson Electric Coop Board Room, 118 Cruz Alta, Taos. Shannon Lencioli of the U.S. Geological Survey will present on “How Plants Defend Themselves from Browsing by Animals.” For more informatio­n, call 303-345-1491. ARROYO SECON MDWCA will hold their monthly meeting Tuesday July 9 at 4:30 p.m. at the Arroyo Seco Community Center, NM 150, Arroyo Seco. For more informatio­n, call 575-776-2822 UNITARIAN CONGREGATI­ON OF TAOS

will host a service by Rev. Diana Davies titled “The Land That Has Never Been Yet.” What is Independen­ce Day today? We’ll explore this through a reading of Langston Hughes’ poem, “Let America Be America Again.” Sunday, July 7 at 11 a.m. at Bent Lodge, 124 Camino de Santiago, Taos. For more informatio­n, contact 877-217-2154. FAMILY HISTORY GENEALOGY offered every Thursday, 10 a.m.–noon at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 307 Camino de Santiago, Taos. For more informatio­n, contact Antonette Gonzales at 575-613-2509. AMERICAN LEGION POST 16 IN TAOS

meets the third Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. at 1351C Paseo del Pueblo Sur. For more info, call 575758-2735.

LIONS CLUB OF TAOS meets the first Thursday of every month for a nohost dinner from 6-8 p.m. at Martrys Steakhouse, 146 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, and the third Thursday of every month for a no-host lunch from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Taos Country Club, 54 Golf Course Rd in Ranchos. We welcome you to join and get involved in any of our community programs: Kidsight, Adult Vision, Community Charities, Tio Vivo Carousel, Flags on the Plaza, CHATe, Lightning Strike Clean-ups and Taos Elder Benevolent Services. For more informatio­n, contact 575-644-8099 or or visit lionsclubo­ CONCERNED TAOS COUNTY RESIDENTS who want to make a difference in how our community can benefit us all meet Wednesdays from 5-7 p.m. at Casa Benavides. To learn more, find Taos Roundtable Group on Facebook.

RENEWABLE TAOS meets weekly via zoom to plan and execute projects such as advocating for solar and wind power, improved electric transmissi­on, beneficial electrific­ation of homes and businesses, additional electric car charging stations and working with schools to introduce climate education in grades K-12. For more info, visit renewablet­, email info@renewablet­ or call 575-770-3267.

TAOS AMATEUR RADIO CLUB Ham radio meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month, 5:30 p.m. at the new location: OPD (Old Police Station), 107 Civic Plaza Drive in Taos. Call 575-770-1961.

FREE FAMILY LAW CLINICS The 8th Judicial District Court holds a free Family Law Clinic the first Wednesday of each month, via Google Meet or by telephone, from 9 a.m. to noon, and resuming at 1-4 p.m. To sign up, complete a Family Law Teleclinic applicatio­n found at eighthdist­ or at the help desk at 105 Albright Street, Suite N, Taos. Email applicatio­ns to 8thhelpdes­ or drop them off at the help desk. For more informatio­n call 575-751-8634.

Taos Public Library

TAOS PUBLIC LIBRARY is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m.6 p.m. The library lobby is open Mondays from 2-6 p.m. Located at 402 Camina de la Placita, Taos. For more informatio­n, call 575-737-2590 or email YOGA IN THE STACKS Free level 1 yoga classes for adults 18 and older every Thursday from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Please bring your own mats. Blocks and straps will be provided. CONVERSATI­ONAL SPANISH Free conversati­onal Spanish meetups, held every Wednesday from 5-6 p.m. STORYTIME Songs, dancing, crafts, stories and more. Join us every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. for free and fun storytime for the whole family.

Talpa Community Center & Library

TALPA COMMUNITY CENTER & LIBRARY is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Services include use of computers, affordable copies, Wi-Fi, faxing and reading/educationa­l materials. Register for a free library card. Located at 3 Archuleta Road, Ranchos de Taos, Call 575751-014 for more informatio­n.


TAOS EDUCATION AND CAREER CENTER at UNM-Taos offers free High School Equivalenc­y (HiSET/ GED) preparatio­n, English Language classes, small-group literacy instructio­n, and helps in discoverin­g a new, in-demand career along the way. Visit the center on the Klauer Campus (1157 CR 110, Ranchos de Taos) or call 575-737-3730.

HIVE HUB study, tech support and tutoring for all ages is open Thursdays 3:30-7 p.m. at UNM-Taos HIVE, 1146 Gusdorf Road, Taos. For more informatio­n, call 575-779-5858. Education

WHEATON MUSEUM OF WORLD ARTIFACTS, a unique travel collection by Novella Wheaton Nied of Taos, is open to the public and seeks volunteers for operating hours of Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 1461B Millicent Rogers Road. 575-758-3633 or wheatonmus­ For more informatio­n, visit wheatonmus­ ROOTS AND WINGS COMMUNITY SCHOOL is currently accepting students for grades 3-8 for the 2024-25 school year. Call 575-586-2076 or email for more informatio­n. VISTA GRANDE CHARTER SCHOOL is expanding! VGCS will include 7th and 8th grade students as well as high school. Applicatio­ns are available now for the 2024-25 school year at 213 Paseo del Cañon E, Taos. For more informatio­n, contact 575-7585100 or visit vistagrand­ TAOS PUEBLO HEAD START AND

EARLY HEAD START is now enrolling for the 2024-25 school year. Children enrolled in other Federally Recognized Tribes, and children with disabiliti­es are welcome and encouraged to apply. To schedule availabili­ty and an intake meeting, call 575-758-5819.

TAOS INTERNATIO­NAL SCHOOL will operate the Community Eligibilit­y Program (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 23-24, 2425, 25-26, and 26-27 school years. Schools qualifying to operate CEP serve breakfast and lunch to all children at no charge and eliminate the collection of meal applicatio­ns for free, reduced-price and paid student meals. For more informatio­n, call 575-751-7115. VISTA GRANDE CHARTER HIGH

SCHOOL will operate the Community Eligibilit­y Program (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 23-24, 24-25, 25-26 and 26-27 school years. Schools qualifying to operate CEP serve breakfast and lunch to all children at no charge and eliminate the collection of meal applicatio­ns for free, reduced-price, and paid student meals. For more informatio­n, call 575-758-5100. TAOS CHARTER SCHOOL free meal programs are in place. Students enrolled in this school may participat­e in the breakfast/lunch programs at no charge according to the school’s program guidelines.


TAOS P.E.O. GROUP warmly welcomes new members of P.E.O. Please call 575-776-5739 or 575-779-3370. LLANO QUEMADO MUTUAL DOMESTIC WATER CONSUMERS ASSOCIATIO­N members can now view the annual 2023 Consumer Confidence Report is available to view. For a copy, call Ruby Martinez at 575-770-5392, or see copies at the lobby of the El Valle de los Ranchos Water & Sanitation District Office, 8 Miranda Canyon Road, Llano Quemado. DREAMTREE is leading a local collaborat­ive AmeriCorps program called the Enchanted Circle Corps (ECC), with a focus on performing outreach within the community to spread the word about local available services and resources and to connect community members to those resources. DreamTree is looking to recruit members to the program. For more informatio­n, visit dreamtreep­

Help wanted

WRITERS & PHOTOGRAPH­ERS WANTED Writers on the Range seeks writers of color, women and fresh voices; topics on intermount­ain territory; authentic, unique perspectiv­es on Western public lands, water, natural resources, agricultur­e or economic institutio­ns; word-count 750. See writersont­, or email betsym@writersont­ Food assistance

TAOS PUEBLO MOBILE FOOD PANTRY, free drive-thru food distributi­on for Taos Pueblo members, distribute­s the third Wednesday of every month, 9-11 a.m. at DNR, Food Sovereignt­y Building, 973 Spider Rock Road, Taos Pueblo.

TAOS MEN’S SHELTER needs you (or your friends or group) to provide one homemade dinner a month for the shelter. Cooking for up to 20 dinner participan­ts is needed. Meals can be simple, and recipe ideas are available. Substitute­s are available when you are unavailabl­e. Please call 508-560-5630 or email Shannon at taosmealca­ for more informatio­n. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE FOOD PANTRY Food baskets are handed out the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month 9 a.m.-11:30 p.m. 205 Don Fernando Street, Taos. For more informatio­n call 575-758-9208. FIRST PRESBYTERI­AN CHURCH OF TAOS Bring canned goods or nonperisha­ble gifts Sundays, 10-11 a.m., 215 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, for parking lot drive-thru and drop-off of packaged foods and/or monetary donations to Shared Table, as well as foods or monetary donations for the Taos Men’s Shelter. Foods must be unopened and within their expiration date. Checks should be made payable to either Shared Table or Taos Coalition to End Homelessne­ss. NORTH CENTRAL FOOD PANTRY OF

QUESTA food distributi­on days are second and fourth Fridays from 10 a.m.-noon. For updates, call Questa village office at 575-586-0694 or see Facebook. For an emergency food box, call Jeannie Masters at 575-7799194 or Nancy Parker at 505-6997563. To donate, visit ncfpquesta. com or mail checks to North Central Food Pantry, P.O. Box 1076 Questa, New Mexico 87556.

SHARED TABLE distribute­s food boxes every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Distributi­ons are from 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. at El Pueblito church, 1309 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, El Prado, and 3:00-4:30 pm at Talpa Community Center, 3 Archuleta Road, Ranchos de Taos. For more informatio­n call or email the church at 575-758-3166 or elpueblito­

ST. JAMES FOOD PANTRY offers supplement­al groceries to all, Thursdays, 12:30-3:45 p.m. drive-thru at St. James Episcopal Church, 208 Camino de Santiago (off Gusdorf Road behind the Quality Inn), Taos.


AGEUP WELL TAOS for functional movement, strength, balance, flexibilit­y and wellness. Every Monday and Wednesday from 10-11 a.m. at the Taos Community Auditorium, 145 Paseo del Pueblo Norte. $5. For more informatio­n, call Bonnie Golden at 575-770-9709. KSITIGARBH­A TIBETAN BUDDHIST CENTER is hosting free instructio­n with Geshe Sherab every Thursday at 6 p.m. Ksitigarbh­a Tibetan Buddhist Center, 525B Salazar Rd, Taos. For more informatio­n, call 812-3447100.

COMMUNITY YOGA CLASSES every other Saturday in SecoLive spaces. Classes are donation-based on a sliding scale of $5-20. Please bring your own mat. Open to all levels and all bodies. For more informatio­n, visit

TAOS MOUNTAIN SANGHA offers a weekly meditation sit and Dharma talk every Wednesday evening, 6-7:30 p.m. via Zoom. Visit taosmounta­ for details and email with questions. MINDFUL FREE MEDITATION COURSE

“Exploring Mindful Meditation: Basics.” Online course offered free to the public by Mindful Frontiers, a local meditation community. Register at mindfulfro­

Disaster assistance

HIGH WINDS have impacted many families, homes and businesses in the Enchanted Circle. If you or someone you know needs a place to stay (think local hotel) or has an unmet need requiring assistance, you may contact the Enchanted Circle Community Organizati­ons Active in Disaster (ECCOAD) by emailing them at or calling 505-692-3296. Please leave a detailed message if no one answers — the number is not currently staffed 24/7. For more informatio­n, visit

Infant necessitie­s

DON’T SPEND TONS OF MONEY on expensive baby gear that you won’t need after a few months or a year. Borrow what you need and loan out what you don’t. Emily King has started a free baby gear lending library so parents can save money, energy and the planet by reusing gently-used infant and toddler essentials like strollers, car seats, high chairs, booster seats, cribs, as well as a selection of toys, bags and accessorie­s. Taos parents who want to donate, lend or borrow items may email babygearli­, or call 510-703-9777. For more informatio­n, visit taosbabyge­


CAT SPAYING/NEUTERING Free pet cat spaying/neutering in Taos available with a Zimmer Feline Foundation voucher. Town of Taos, Taos County and Taos Pueblo cats eligible. Call 505-466-1676.

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