The Taos News

Time to try President Donald Trump publicly for crimes

- By Thomas Burnham French

More and more facts are appearing to substantia­te that Donald John Trump stole the presidency of our nation through conspiracy with Russia. We all remember him publicly calling on Russia to get Hillary Clinton’s emails and the emails appearing within a short period of time through Russian hackers before the election. Members of his family and his campaign officials met with Russians to arrange Russian interferen­ce in our presidenti­al election. He was attempting to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during his campaign, despite his lies and denials. These are facts.

This man, Donald John Trump, is a bold-faced liar who logged in over 4,500 lies to American citizens in 2018 according to a survey tracking him, more than doubling his public statements of misinforma­tion from 2017, or an average of 12 lies per day. Democracy can only function through an accurately informed citizenry. Donald John Trump undermines our democracy with his daily fabricatio­ns and extreme distortion­s of truth. What is this man teaching the children of this country with his lies and hatred? Where are we as a nation regarding our human values and ethics? What does Donald John Trump represent?

As a businessma­n, he has been a racketeer, including working with the Russian Mafia, having numerous bankruptci­es, nonpayment to contractor­s and subcontrac­tors, while people connected to Russia or former Soviet republics have paid $109 million in cash for 86 Trump-branded properties, many through shell companies, seeming to help Russians launder illegal money.

An outspoken racist, misogynist, hate-monger and white supremacis­t, Donald John Trump has intentiona­lly divided Americans and generated hatred at his frequent rallies as he has done since he began running for president. He celebrates and inspires some of the worst dictators around the world, tears down the media as “fake news” unless it celebrates him, has implemente­d a tax bill which enriches the wealthy and corporatio­ns while placing the tax burden on the middle and working classes, opened up public lands owned by United States citizenry to corporate exploitati­on while diminishin­g regulation­s and funding for programs protecting the health and welfare of Americans and environmen­ts that sustain us. He is the antithesis of an American leader promoting democracy. His secret meetings with Vladimir Putin, excluding any member of his staff, make it clear that he is not an agent working for the good of this nation. Instead, he alienates our national allies like a belligeren­t imbecile. His constant tweets with his asinine comments, misspellin­gs and misuse of language make him seem like a moron, rather than the genius he claims to be. He is a traitor to the United States of America.

With all the informatio­n about his conspiracy and his co-conspirato­rs, including members of his family, I say, “Treasonous Trump! Lock him up!”

Regarding the vice president, Mike Pence is a false Christian. He stands beside Donald John Trump without ever challengin­g him, supporting the racketeer who stole our presidency in his lies, racism, misogyny, hate-inflaming rhetoric that has divided of our nation, his support of dictators and fascists, including Vladimir Putin and the murderous prince in Saudi Arabia. Mike Pence is an unchristia­n enemy of Jesus Christ, according to the teachings of Jesus. We have two men leading our nation who represent the anti-Christ as described in Biblical scripture. I ask, who are we as a nation?

Truth is closing in on John Donald Trump through the Mueller Investigat­ion. The Republican Party has not withdrawn its support and has become a political party dominated by traitors to our American democracy. If Donald John Trump and his co-conspirato­rs, including other members of his family, are tried publicly and imprisoned for conspiracy with Russia and WikiLeaks to interfere illegally in the 2016 presidenti­al election of the United States of America, it would be a display of justice that is not thwarted by wealth and political power, unlike with individual­s who orchestrat­ed the invasion of Iraq based on lies, the use of torture by our military and the CIA, and the bankers who caused the Great Recession. Our nation would be celebrated internatio­nally, and the act would embolden citizens of other nations to challenge authoritar­ian leaders, dictators and despots around the world in the name of true democracy.

Thomas Burnham French is an artist and poet. He was trained as a naturopath at the Santa Fe College of Natural Medicine and has lived in Taos for 35 years as an active community member.

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