The Sun Herald (Sunday)

Mississipp­i’s new internet safety act comes under attack from powerful trade associatio­n


A trade associatio­n with members like Google and X filed a federal lawsuit to block the state’s new bipartisan internet safety law.

The Walker Montgomery Protecting Children Online Act, or House Bill 1126, requires social media services to verify the ages of their users and bans digitally-produced or modified images of child pornograph­y. The bill is named after Walker Montgomery, a Starkville teen who took his own life after being the victim of a sextortion scheme.

Under the new law, minors cannot sign up for social media websites without their parent’s permission. Social media sites cannot advertise “harmful material” to minors or collect, sell or share their personal informatio­n.

The law takes effect July 1.

Last week, trade associatio­n NetChoice filed a lawsuit in federal court against the state to block it. In a press release, NetChoice called the new law a violation of Mississipp­ians’ privacy and freedom of speech. They warned that the bill would open the door for censorship and put users’ personal informatio­n at risk.

“Parents and guardians are best situated to control their family’s online presence. HB 1126 usurps the parental role and seizes it for the State,” the lawsuit reads.

NetChoice is a trade associatio­n of tech companies that advocates for free speech and expression on the internet. It is a major lobbyist against government regulation of social media. Its members include major online companies such as Etsy, X and Google.

Walker Montgomery’s story inspired Jilil Ford, R-Madison, Fabian Nelson, D-Jackson, and Larry Byrd, R-Petal, to work on the bipartisan bill.

Nelson did not comment on the lawsuit, but defended the bill. “Our motivation behind this legislatio­n was not to infringe upon anyone’s rights. Our motivation with this legislatio­n was to protect our children,” he said.

Nelson emphasized the need for legislatio­n that keeps up with technologi­cal advancemen­ts. He was also personally touched as a father of three by Montgomery’s story.

“Sitting quietly while things like this happen makes us worse than the perpetrato­rs,” he said.

Mississipp­i is one of several states to pass a law requiring social media users to verify their ages. NetChoice launched lawsuits across the country opposing them in the name of preserving freedom of speech.

American Civil Liberties Union Staff Attorney Vera Feilman was also critical of the law, saying, “Such age-verificati­on laws rob users of anonymity, pose privacy and security risks, and could be used to block some people from being able to use social media at all.”

The ACLU filed an amicus brief supporting NetChioice’s lawsuit in Arkansas over a similar bill.

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