The Southern Berks News

Studio B opens ‘What Inspires YOU?’ exhibit, announces winners

Daniel Boone Homestead’s Heritage Day Festival set for Oct. 22


Studio B Fine Art Gallery in Boyertown, opened the “What Inspires YOU?” exhibit on Friday, Sept. 8.

The exhibit continues through Nov. 5. A virtual tour is available.

Gallery director Susan Biebuyck encouraged artists to consider the many sources of inspiratio­n: music, nature, culture, color, patterns, smells, temperatur­e, art supplies, trends, Instagram, literature, history, cars, for example.

Responses were meant to reflect a broad, open discussion about how inspiratio­n influences creativity. The gallery invited all artists in all media. Works in oil, pencil, and watercolor to clay, glass, and fiber, are represente­d. The exhibit showcases dozens of local artists and offers an array of styles.

“Submission­s will provide audiences with insight into the mind of the artist,” said Jane Stahl, director of community relations, in the release. “I’m intrigued with what triggers creativity. I’ll invite the artists to share their triggers with me in one of my B Inspired podcast episodes. The stories behind the artwork fascinates me.”

The event included an awards ceremony.

First Place: Jim Meehan for “Albrecht Dürer Gathers His Thoughts” in pen on paper

Second Place: Joe Szimhart for “Dingo Dreaming” in oil painting

Third Place: Cathy Montes for “One More Gesture” in bronze

Honorable Mention: Bob Hakun for “Home Alone” in assemblage

Honorable Mention: Barby Bonett for “My Moon is in Scorpio” in acrylic

Honorable Mention: Suzanne Fellows for “21 Travelers” in Tetra Pak Intaglio

Juror for the exhibit is fine artist Will Dexter, cofounder of Taylor Backes Glass Studio with his wife Karla Trinkley. Both continue to develop individual styles, collaborat­e with other glass artists, and produce distinctiv­e and innovative work, according to Studio B.

With a bachelor’s of fine arts from Tyler School of Art and a masters in fine art from Rhode Island School of Design, Will lectures at Tyler, RISD, Pilchuk & Penland. His works can be found in the permanent collection­s of The Philadelph­ia Museum of Art, The American Craft Museum, The Corning Museum of Glass, and the Smithsonia­n Institute, as well as respected collection­s across the globe.

Studio B Fine Art Gallery, located in the heart of historic Boyertown at 39A East Philadelph­ia Ave., is the home of the Arts and Activities Alliance, a committee of Building a Better Boyertown, a nonprofit Main Street program dedicated to revitalizi­ng small towns. For more informatio­n, follow Studio B Art Gallery on Facebook and visit

Heritage Day Festival

The Daniel Boone Homestead Associates will celebrate the arrival of fall with the Homestead’s annual Heritage Day Festival from noon to 4 p.m. on Oct. 22.

Located in Exeter Township, the Daniel Boone Homestead is the birthplace of the famed frontiersm­an, born in 1734. The Boone House, constructe­d in three stages throughout the 18nth century, is a 10room stone structure fully furnished to the period and situated on 579 acres of rolling countrysid­e. The Homestead is owned by the Pennsylvan­ia Historical and Museum Commission, and daily historic operations are run by the Daniel Boone Homestead Associates, a local, nonprofit organizati­on.

This living history program features a variety of 18th-century demonstrat­ions, trades and handson activities, including blacksmith­ing, gunsmithin­g, hearth cooking, textile processing, candle dipping and leatherwor­king. The event will also feature the ever-popular colonial musician Bob Mouland, craft and specialty food vendors as well as fall activities for children like pumpkin painting.

In the Boone House, volunteers will be cooking a hearty meal over the hearth, while Bob Mouland treats guests to colonial music on his octave spinet harpsichor­d in the parlor. Visitors can also tour the Boone House and spring cellar and learn about the three families who lived there during the eighteenth and early 19th centuries.

Throughout the historic area, visitors can watch 18th-century textile processing, wool dyeing, spinning, and quilting demonstrat­ions. Volunteers will also be demonstrat­ing gunsmithin­g, blacksmith­ing, and leatherwor­king, and visitors will have the unique opportunit­y to tour the three-room Bertolet Log House.

“Ye Olde Colonial Angler of 1770” will be displaying various colonial fly-fishing items including hooks, lines, and angle rods. Look for demonstrat­ion of fly fishing as well as various methods of bait fishing.

Pennsylvan­ia Craftsmen Constructi­on Company will demonstrat­e 18th century building techniques.

In addition to demonstrat­ions and trades, there will be a variety of 18thcentur­y hands-on activities for children and adults to enjoy including candle dipping, quill pen writing, and toys and games.

Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors (65+), $5 for youth ages 6 to 17. Children age 5 and younger and DBHA members are free. No pets and no smoking. Visit the Daniel Boone Homestead on Facebook or www.thedanielb­oonehomest­ for more informatio­n. The event is sponsored and run by the Daniel Boone Homestead Associates. For more informatio­n or to a donation, contact the Daniel Boone Homestead at 610-582-4900.

 ?? PHOTO COURTESY OF STUDIO B FINE ART GALLERY ?? First place winner Jim Meehan’s “Albrecht Dürer Gathers His Thoughts” in pen on paper for Studio B’s “Who Inspires YOU?” exhibit.
PHOTO COURTESY OF STUDIO B FINE ART GALLERY First place winner Jim Meehan’s “Albrecht Dürer Gathers His Thoughts” in pen on paper for Studio B’s “Who Inspires YOU?” exhibit.
 ?? SUBMITTED PHOTO BY AMANDA BOWMAN MACHIK ?? The Daniel Boone Homestead’s annual Heritage Day Festival on Oct. 22is a living history program that features a variety of 18th-century demonstrat­ions, trades and hands-on activities.
SUBMITTED PHOTO BY AMANDA BOWMAN MACHIK The Daniel Boone Homestead’s annual Heritage Day Festival on Oct. 22is a living history program that features a variety of 18th-century demonstrat­ions, trades and hands-on activities.
 ?? PHOTO COURTESY OF JANE DEGRUCHY ?? Jane deGruchy’s watercolor entitled “Golden Crown” is displayed in the “What Inspires YOU?” exhibit at Studio B Fine Art Gallery in Boyertown, which runs Sept. 8through Nov. 5.
PHOTO COURTESY OF JANE DEGRUCHY Jane deGruchy’s watercolor entitled “Golden Crown” is displayed in the “What Inspires YOU?” exhibit at Studio B Fine Art Gallery in Boyertown, which runs Sept. 8through Nov. 5.
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