The Sentinel-Record

Don’t give US away

- Dear editor:

Sunday’s (Jan. 28) letters to the editor were powerful and truthful. Our state has been overtaken by a greedy Trump worshipper who dreams of herself moving back to D.C. and doing Trump’s dirty work at a higher level, no questions asked. The other really sad part is that the longtime state elected/employed underlings oppose nothing and only bask in their new power and visibility. Your future vote must come from your knowledge and experience, not from blind party alliance. What does your heart and brain tell you is happening today and what might happen in the short and long term in our state and country?

Many readers of this paper are not old enough to remember another crisis time in our country’s recent history, the Cuban missile crisis (1962) and then Russian President Nikita Khrushchev made the statement (around the same time) that “we will bury you and never fire a shot.” Our great war hero and president, John F. Kennedy, stood tall and stopped communism then.

Bringing this to today’s time, the Russians have never lost that goal and they plainly see a weak, greedy, elected Trump, and his friendship with Putin, as their key to their longtime goal. Also, most of our close national allies fear Trump’s dangerous dislike for them (and his closeness to Putin) and, without those alliances, we will not last long in the global arena.

Your decision (your vote) for your children’s life; a free, proud, democratic country or their (and us all) life under Trump; then Putin!

We have been blessed to live our entire lives in the best country in history, please do not give it away.

Jim Pumphrey Garland County

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