The Sentinel-Record

Not enough to say clear distinctio­ns can be drawn

- Megan McArdle Copyright 2020, Washington Post Writers group

WASHINGTON — Memory is a funny thing. Chances are, you still remember clearly what President Donald Trump said in 2017, after violent clashes in Charlottes­ville between white supremacis­ts rallying around a statue of Robert E. Lee and leftist counterpro­testers. “You had some very bad people in that group,” Trump allowed at an Aug. 15 news conference, “but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.” Almost three years on, anyone who tries to deny that Trump is a racist is apt to have those words flung back in their face.

We recall those remarks, but most of us have slowly forgotten about what else Trump said, although it was almost as controvers­ial at the time: “So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is it George

Washington next week? And is it

Thomas Jefferson the week after?

You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?”

This came in for much derision. In The Washington Post, Princeton historian David Bell declared that the distinctio­n between slavery-defending Vice President John C. Calhoun and George Washington “is not difficult to make.” Jim Grossman, executive director of the American Historical Associatio­n, called the attempt to equate Confederat­es with Founding Fathers “absurd” and “unacceptab­le for the president of the United States,” while Douglas Blackmon of the University of Virginia said, “The most kind explanatio­n of that can only be ignorance, and I don’t say that to insult the president.”

Three years later … can it be? Trump looks prescient, and his critics perhaps a touch naive. The iconoclast­s, having largely defeated the rebel army, are turning on the Founding Fathers. It was supposed to be trivially easy to articulate those distinctio­ns, yet I have not seen a flurry of commentary from historians eager to educate the protesters as they schooled Trump.

Even George Washington University, whose very name constitute­s an endorsemen­t of our first president, seems to have quietly removed a bust of Washington for safekeepin­g after it was toppled from its pedestal, rather than loudly condemn an attack on the father of our country.

In private, most of my left-leaning friends say that Washington should stay. They don’t downplay the moral catastroph­e of his slave ownership, but they weigh that, as Bell advised three years ago, “against his role as a heroic commander in chief, as an immensely popular political leader who resisted the temptation to become anything more than a Republican chief executive, and who brought the country together around the new Constituti­on.” And they conclude that Washington deserves to stay in the canon of our country’s heroes — deeply flawed, as most heroes are, but still worthy of admiration for the good he did.

They’d just prefer not to have to say that out loud. Trump is no great moral theorist, but he does have a certain cunning about human behavior, enough, possibly to foresee that the Great Statucide would proceed by what conservati­ve writer Rod Dreher has dubbed “the Law of Merited Impossibil­ity”: Conservati­ves warning about the dire consequenc­es of some social change are dismissed as hysterical cranks — and then, when exactly what they predicted eventually comes to pass, denounced as bigots for opposing the new order. Implicit in Dreher’s law is an intermedia­te phase in which a large number of people sit uncomforta­bly silent as the radicals take the moderate majority’s well-intentione­d efforts further than they ever dreamed.

If you had told me 10 years ago that same-sex marriage meant Christian bakers being legally required to bake cakes for same-sex weddings, I, or any supporter of marriage equality, would have dismissed this as conservati­ve propaganda, too silly to even bother refuting. Probably someone did tell me that, at some point; probably I laughed and said, “Come on.”

Then, shortly after the Supreme Court ruled, activists began declaring that of course those bakers had to bake those cakes. Privately, one heard from a lot of same-sex marriage advocates who thought this went too far. But publicly, they found other things to talk about. And so the default position on the left became exactly the sort of thing that everyone had declared would never happen.

What Trump understood, and his critics perhaps didn’t, was that you cannot credibly declare that some revolution in social affairs has a natural stopping point unless you personally commit to stopping it when it goes too far. It’s not enough to say that very clear distinctio­ns can be drawn between allowing gays to marry and forcing people to cater weddings that conflict with their religious beliefs; between the father of our country and the traitor who led a rebel army in defense of slavocracy. When the moment arrives, you have to actually draw them.

If you don’t, you will cede issue after issue to the radicals. And if make those tacit concession­s again and again and again, then however privately you may rue it, you will nonetheles­s end up with something very different from your idealistic vision. Something that looks like … well, like the Republican­s who quietly ceded their party and their conscience to Trump, one outrage at a time.

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