The Sentinel-Record

Divided Senate confirms Ratcliffe as intelligen­ce chief


WASHINGTON — A sharply divided Senate confirmed John Ratcliffe as director of national intelligen­ce on Thursday, with Democrats refusing to support the nomination over fears that he will politicize the intelligen­ce community’s work under President Donald Trump.

All Democrats opposed Ratcliffe, making him the first DNI to be installed on a partisan vote since the position was created in 2005. The tally was 49-44.

Ratcliffe will take over the agency at a tumultuous time. The nation faces threats from Iran and North Korea, Russian disinforma­tion campaigns to interfere in the U.S. elections and tensions with China over rising competitio­n and the spread of the coronaviru­s. At the same time, Trump has viewed the intelligen­ce agencies with distrust and ousted or fired multiple officials.

The Texas Republican seemed unlikely to get the position when Trump in February announced plans to nominate him, as he had already been selected for the job last year and then withdrew after Republican­s questioned his experience. But senators warmed to him as they grew concerned about the upheaval in the intelligen­ce community and wanted a permanent, confirmed director.

Ratcliffe will replace Richard Grenell, the current acting director who has overseen some of the personnel changes. Grenell, the U.S. ambassador to Germany, has a thin intelligen­ce background and is seen as a loyalist to Trump.

As acting director, Grenell made personnel changes and ordered reviews of the national intelligen­ce director’s office that critics feared were an attempt to clean house. Some members of the Senate intelligen­ce committee said an acting director shouldn’t be engaging in reforming the intelligen­ce apparatus. But Grenell’s office disputed fears of a purge and said some of the reforms he was considerin­g or implementi­ng had been recommende­d by past directors.

The last Senate-confirmed intelligen­ce director, former Indiana Sen. Dan Coats, was popular with his former colleagues in Congress but left the post last summer after clashing with the president.

Democrats allowed a quick vote on Ratcliffe’s nomination, dropping their usual procedural delays in a signal that despite their skepticism, they prefer him in the job over Grenell.

Ratcliffe insisted during his confirmati­on hearing that he would be an independen­t leader, but faced skepticism. A member of the House intelligen­ce and judiciary committees, he has been an ardent defender of the president through House impeachmen­t and investigat­ions into Russian interferen­ce.

Maine Sen. Angus King, an independen­t who caucuses with Democrats and a member of the Senate intelligen­ce panel, said he has concerns that Ratciffe has limited experience in the intelligen­ce community yet extensive experience in politics. “A dangerous combinatio­n,” he said.

“Now more than ever it is vital that the DNI respect the critical firewall that must exist between intelligen­ce and political calculatio­ns — especially if the truth isn’t what the boss wants to hear,” King said.

Before being elected to Congress in 2014, Ratcliffe was mayor of Heath, Texas, and a U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Texas. When he was first nominated, senators questioned whether he had enough intelligen­ce experience and whether he was picked because of his willingnes­s to defend Trump.

But given a second chance, Ratcliffe worked to separate himself from the president at his confirmati­on hearing, including by saying he believed Russia interfered in the 2016 presidenti­al election, a conclusion Trump has resisted. He said he would communicat­e to Trump the intelligen­ce community’s findings even if he knew Trump disagreed with them and might fire him.

Still, the position carries unique challenges, given the president’s seeming inclinatio­ns to politicize intelligen­ce and bend intelligen­ce agencies to his will. Trump has openly rejected intelligen­ce community assessment­s at odds with his own viewpoint, including on Russian election interferen­ce.

Trump has also shown himself as eager to have intelligen­ce agencies investigat­e matters that he hopes will support his political positions, with agencies seeking to determine whether the coronaviru­s originated in a Chinese laboratory or through contact with infected animals.

In addition, the DNI in recent weeks has been declassify­ing informatio­n from the Russia investigat­ion that Trump allies hope will cast senior Obama administra­tion officials — including former vice president and 2020 Trump opponent Joe Biden — in a negative light.

Last week, for instance, Senate Republican­s released a declassifi­ed list of former intelligen­ce officials who requested the identity of an American from intelligen­ce reports. The American turned out to be former Trump administra­tion national security adviser Michael Flynn.

On Tuesday, Republican­s released a January 2017 email that Susan Rice, President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, wrote to herself. The message memorializ­ed a sensitive conversati­on about Flynn and his Russian contacts that she had participat­ed in earlier that month with Obama and then-FBI Director James Comey. Grenell declassifi­ed the full memo after Republican­s requested it.

There also have been pushes from some Democrats, and even Flynn’s own lawyer, to release transcript­s of phone calls during the presidenti­al transition period between Flynn and then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those communicat­ions, though the Justice Department has since moved to dismiss the case.

“No lawyer for Flynn has ever seen it or heard the recording,” Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, said in an email to The Associated Press. “I would want both.”

Lisa Ruth, a former CIA officer, said in a telephone interview Thursday that the administra­tion’s expectatio­ns have made it a challengin­g time for an intelligen­ce community that is supposed to be apolitical.

“The administra­tion has signaled that they see the intelligen­ce community, as well as other agencies, as support for the administra­tion,” Ruth said in a telephone interview. “It puts things in a very different paradigm than what the intelligen­ce community was meant to be and was supposed to be.”

 ?? The Associated Press ?? DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGEN­CE: Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, testifies before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee on May 5 during his nomination hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington.
The Associated Press DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGEN­CE: Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, testifies before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee on May 5 during his nomination hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington.

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