The Sentinel-Record

Telling us who to hate


Dear editor:

I see in Republican campaign ads in Arkansas. We are still supposed to hate Hillary Clinton. I know she is the evil email deleting woman, but she isn’t in this election?

Some ads tell me to hate Nancy Pelosi, too. I forgot what she did or maybe it’s because Republican­s don’t find her attractive?

Trump says we should hate Dianne Feinstein for exposing Dr. Ford or are we supposed to hate her, too?

Trump got elected by spreading lies and hatred about Hillary. This is how Manafort set up his campaign. It worked in Ukraine, too, when Manafort got a Russian man elected president by spreading lies and hatred about his female opponent.

I guess our Republican congressme­n from Arkansas are using the same tactic to get elected to Washington.

So are those the women I am supposed to hate still or maybe there are new women we are supposed to hate today like some of Trump’s prostitute­s!

Trump paid like $300,000 to keep their mouths shut and now they are telling everybody! Shame on them! If

you can’t trust a pornstar not to expose cheating on your wife who can you trust?

Did you ever wonder where Trump got the money? He says it wasn’t from campaign funds. He wasted his $160 million inheritanc­e, too. All of his gambling casinos went bankrupt and his fraudulent university went under, too. I guess he had to use the money he laundered from The Russians. Good thing his tax returns are hidden so nobody will ever know.

Sorry, I got distracted for a minute, just tell me what woman I am supposed to hate today so I can explain to my daughters and granddaugh­ters why they should vote for you. Scott Ruff Hot Springs

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