The Sentinel-Record

HOW TO: Choose an IT specialist


When you have a tech problem in your home or office, it can cause everything to come to a grinding halt and leave you scrambling to find someone who can fix the problem as quickly as possible. That’s why it’s a good idea to locate a tech profession­al before you need them. Below is a list of things to look for in an IT Specialist.


IT specialist­s come with a variety of concentrat­ions and experience. Find a specialist who matches your needs. Some people are networking experts; others may only work on Apple computers. When you speak with specialist­s, ask if they are certified in repairing, installing or troublesho­oting the computers and peripheral device you are using. Inquire about how much experience they have with repair work and installati­on.


It is important to hire someone with excellent communicat­ion skills. Computer networking, setup, and repair are full of jargon and acronyms. You need to understand what is wrong with your computer system and how it needs to be fixed. Whether you are a business owner or home computer user, a good IT specialist will explain what decisions you need to make. The IT specialist should be able to explain to you in simple terms what is wrong and what needs to be done to fix the problem. You should not feel like the IT specialist is talking over you or using to many technical terms to confuse you. Not only will an IT specialist fix the problem, he or she will also inform and educate you. With this new informatio­n, you can prevent future problems. The best IT specialist­s will save you money and help you plan for the future. They will explain to you if you current system will need to be replaced in the near future or if the repair will cost you more in the long run.


IT specialist­s can work at your location, or you can leave the equipment at their repair shop. A reputable IT specialist­s will make on-site visits, especially if the issues involve an office network. Interconne­cted equipment can be difficult to dismantle and should sometimes be left to a profession­al. Some repairs may involve specialize­d tools that are only found in a computer repair shop. The IT specialist may advise he or she will need to take the unit back to their office for further repair. Your prospectiv­e IT specialist should recommend an in home or in office visit first to understand the nature of your problem. This also allows them to see the environmen­t you are using the equipment in and have better understand­ing of how you use it.


When picking an IT specialist it is best to pick one who has an investment in his profession. A legitimate IT specialist will have taken the time to acquire a business license. The best IT specialist­s are the ones who are small business owners themselves and have a healthy respect for the hard work it takes to establish a small business. You will want the person to have business experience as well as technical know how. This person will understand the value of money and help you to save it when possible.

Summit Technology Solutions would like to become your IT Specialist. Give them a call today at 501-918-9392 to schedule your appointmen­t. Or check them out online at

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